Crafting Your Syllabi and Course Sites
Below are the required and suggested elements of course syllabi. It is also good to put this information (specifically anything with a hyperlink) on your course's Blackboard or Canvas site.
Required Elements
University and state policy dictates that all syllabi be made available to students by the first day of class and online (see Syllabi and CV Submission for instructions). All syllabi must also include the following:
- Instructor (and TA) Information
- Course title, course number, unique number (available in the Course Schedule), course time, and semester
- Class location
- Your name, office location, phone number, e-mail address, and office hours
- Instructor's office location and hours are not required on the publicly posted version of the syllabus (i.e. the one you submit for online posting)
- Teaching assistants’ names, office locations, phone numbers, e-mail addresses, and office hours
- Listing of office locations and hours for TAs should not be included on the publicly available version of the syllabus (i.e. the one you submit for online posting), since this may be a violation of FERPA
- URL for course Web site (if any)
- Course Description
- Overview of class, including prerequisites and subject matter of each lecture or discussion
- Academic learning goals and objectives for the course and how they will be assessed
- Find help with developing these at
- Prerequisites or co-requisites
- Assignments, Assessment, and Evaluation
- A brief descriptive overview of all major course requirements and assignments
- Description in detail of grading policy and criteria
- The number of quizzes, tests, and papers, the weighting of each, the amount of homework, etc.
- Attendance and tardiness policy and whether class attendance is used in determining the grade
- Exam dates, due dates for homework, projects, etc. that count as 20% or more of the course grade
- Date and time of final exam when available
- Spring 2014 final exam times are available at; if you plan to use your course's final exam time, notify Ben Fest at as soon as possible so that he may schedule an appropriate space
- A list of required and recommended materials, such as textbooks, image collections, audio and audiovisual materials, supplies, articles, chapters, and excerpts identified by author, title, and publisher
- If this course is for Theatre & Dance majors, be sure to include the policy about Proof of Attendance Receipts as well as the specific way(s) in which attendance will impact their grades
- See the Production Attendance Policy page for more information and a sample statement
- If you are the instructor for TD301 (Introduction to Theatre), it is the policy of the Department of Theatre and Dance that your students are required to attend one department production during the semester; as such, this requirement must be listed in the syllabus for this course
- How this attendance is worked into the coursework and how it impacts students' grades is up to the instructor
- The Proof of Attendance Receipts may not be used as verification of attendance for the non-majors in these courses
- Documented Disability Statement
- Students with disabilities may request appropriate academic accommodations from the Division of Diversity and Community Engagement, Services for Students with Disabilities at 471-6259 (voice) or 232-2937 (video phone) or
- Sample statement:
The University of Texas provides on request appropriate academic accommodations for qualified students with disabilities. At the beginning of the semester, students who need special accommodations should notify the instructor by presenting a letter prepared by the Service for Students with Disabilities (SSD) Office. Disabilities range from visual, hearing, and movement impairments to Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, psychological disorders (bipolar disorder, depression, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, etc.), and chronic health conditions (diabetes, multiple sclerosis, cancer, etc.). These also include from temporary disabilities such as broken bones, recovery from surgery, etc. For more information, contact Services for Students with Disabilities at (512) 471-6259 [voice], (866) 329-3986 [video phone], via e-mail at, or visit:
Suggested Elements
- Notice regarding academic dishonesty
- Honor Code or statement of ethics
- University of Texas Honor Code: The core values of The University of Texas at Austin are learning, discovery, freedom, leadership, individual opportunity, and responsibility. Each member of the university is expected to uphold these values through integrity, honesty, trust, fairness, and respect toward peers and community.
- Sample statement:
- Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, is an offense which we and UT take very seriously. The penalties for academic dishonesty in this course will begin at (whatever minimum penalty you determine) and can be as severe as suspension or expulsion from the University. A link to the Scholastic Dishonesty Information from the Dean of Students is located on the course Blackboard site.
- Academic dishonesty, including plagiarism, is an offense which we and UT take very seriously. The penalties for academic dishonesty in this course will begin at (whatever minimum penalty you determine) and can be as severe as suspension or expulsion from the University. A link to the Scholastic Dishonesty Information from the Dean of Students is located on the course Blackboard site.
- Explanation or example of what constitutes plagiarism
- Web site for more information:
- Honor Code or statement of ethics
- Religious Holy Days
- Sample statement:
- By UT Austin policy, you must notify me of your pending absence at least fourteen days prior to the date of observance of a religious holy day. If you must miss a class, an examination, a work assignment, or a project in order to observe a religious holy day, I will give you an opportunity to complete the missed work within a reasonable time after the absence.
- Sample statement:
- Behavior Concerns Advice Line (BCAL)
- Sample statement:
- If you are worried about someone who is acting differently, you may use the Behavior Concerns Advice Line to discuss by phone your concerns about another individual’s behavior. This service is provided through a partnership among the Office of the Dean of Students, the Counseling and Mental Health Center (CMHC), the Employee Assistance Program (EAP), and The University of Texas Police Department (UTPD). Call 512-232-5050 or visit
- Sample statement:
- The following recommendations regarding emergency evacuation from the Office of Campus Safety and Security (512-471-5767,
- Occupants of buildings on The University of Texas at Austin campus are required to evacuate buildings when a fire alarm is activated. Alarm activation or announcement requires exiting and assembling outside.
- Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of each classroom and building you may occupy. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when entering the building.
- Students requiring assistance in evacuation shall inform their instructor in writing during the first week of class.
- In the event of an evacuation, follow the instruction of faculty or class instructors.
- Do not re-enter a building unless given instructions by the following: Austin Fire Department, The University of Texas at Austin Police Department, or Fire Prevention Services office.
- Link to information regarding emergency evacuation routes and emergency procedures can be found at:
- Evidence-Based Practices: Based on research findings concerning best practices in course design, it is recommended that you include syllabus statements addressing the following critical topics:
- Course Description
- Formal (catalog) description
- Clearly spell out what will be used to interface with the students in your class
- For example, Blackboard, CLIPs, instructor’s personal Web site, etc.
- See the sample statement "Use of Blackboard in Class" below
- For example, Blackboard, CLIPs, instructor’s personal Web site, etc.
- Location of instructor’s course packet and price
- Supplies needed
- For example, calculators, disks, CDs, lab supplies, art supplies, clickers, etc.
- Information on how to access e-reserves
- Classroom Policies
- Civility statement and code of conduct (see Syllabus Template document on CTL Web site at
- Sample statement:
- As a group of diverse individuals with various backgrounds including those influenced by ethnicity, gender, sex, physical abilities, religious and political beliefs, national origins, sexual orientations, and more, we will strive to learn from each other in an atmosphere of positive engagement and mutual respect. Language and behavior designed to belittle and/or humiliate one another based on our individual backgrounds damages this atmosphere, and its use will not go unchallenged. We stress that this policy does not discourage the contribution of any and all opinions to the classroom environment, but rather is designed to encourage an environment of civility and mutual respect.
- You might also have a statement about course content
- Sample statement:
- Theatre deals with complex and controversial issues; it is often challenging and sometimes uncomfortable. Therefore, it would be impossible to offer a meaningful engagement with the history of the art that did not include, at times, potentially difficult issues. No student will be excused from reading, attending, or engaging with a text or lecture based on its content. Students who are concerned about the content of the course or their ability to complete the required assignments should contact the Instructor before the 12th class day.
- Sample statement:
- Civility statement and code of conduct (see Syllabus Template document on CTL Web site at
- Course Description
- List of critical dates for class administration
- Last day of the official add/drop period (Spring 2014: January 23)
- Last day to drop a class without possible academic penalty. (Spring 2014: February 4)
- Academic Advising dates (Spring 2014: April 15-17, 20-24)
- Spring 2011 registration (Spring 2014: April 20-May 1)
- Final exams (Spring 2014: May 13-16, 18-19)
- List of critical dates for class administration
- Subject-to-change notice
- Sample statement:
- This syllabus is subject to change at the discretion of the instructor.
- Sample statement:
- Ground rules for participation in discussions or activities
- Subject-to-change notice
- Assignments, Assessment, and Evaluation
- Policy concerning homework (grading, posting, late policy, etc.)
- Policy concerning make-up exams
- Policy concerning late assignments
- Preliminary information on term papers or projects, with due dates
- Resources for Learning & Life at UT Austin
- The University of Texas has numerous resources - many of which are absolutely free or available at a nominal cost - for students to provide assistance and support their learning and well being:
- Sanger Learning and Career Center:
- Undergraduate Writing Center:
- Counseling & Mental Health Center:
- University Health Services:
- Career Exploration Center:
- Student Emergency Services:
- UTBox (free cloud storage and data sharing):
- This means of storage can also be encouraged as a way for students to be able to prove that their work was completed on time in the event of a printer failure, a glitch in Blackboard making it impossible for them to post an assignment, a flat tire making them miss class, a crashed computer, etc.
- Division of Recreational Sports:
- The University of Texas has numerous resources - many of which are absolutely free or available at a nominal cost - for students to provide assistance and support their learning and well being:
- Use of E-Mail for Official Correspondence to Students
- Sample statement:
- E-mail is recognized as an official mode of university correspondence; therefore, you are responsible for reading your e-mail for university and course-related information and announcements. You are responsible to keep the university informed about changes to your e-mail address. You should check your e-mail regularly and frequently—I recommend daily, but at minimum twice a week—to stay current with university-related communications, some of which may be time-critical. You can find UT Austin’s policies and instructions for updating your e-mail address at
- Also include a time frame within which students may expect a response to emails (48 hours, 2 business days, etc.)
- You might also consider statements like the following:
- When using e-mail to contact us about the course, your full name and UT EID should be in the body of your e-mail.
- A note about e-mail correspondence: The Internet has greatly changed the methods in which we communicate. The accessibility of modes such as e-mail has created additional labor for Professors, Instructors, and Teaching Assistants. BEFORE you contact one of us with a question, please take the time to look for the information on the syllabus and the Blackboard website. We promise to be diligent about posting important information and announcements for you, and ask that you respect that labor and our time by not submitting redundant requests to us. If the information you seek is not available on the syllabus or the Blackboard site, please see us before or after class, during our office hours, or, of course, send us an e-mail.
- The class e-mail list available through Blackboard should only be used for course-related purposes. Abuse of the list will not be tolerated.
- Sample statement:
- Use of Blackboard in Class
- Sample statement:
- In this class I use Blackboard—a Web-based course management system with password-protected access at—to distribute course materials, to communicate and collaborate online, to post grades, to submit assignments, and to give you online quizzes and surveys. You can find support in using Blackboard at the ITS Help Desk at 475-9400, Monday through Friday, 8 a.m. to 6 p.m., so plan accordingly.
- UT is migrating from Blackboard to a program called Canvas, though this migration will not be compusory for some time
- Visit for more information about this new program, tutorials, workshops, and more
- Sample statement:
- Feedback Statement (to encourage students to respond to your requests for their feedback)
- Sample statement:
- During this course I will be asking you to give me feedback on your learning in informal as well as formal ways, including through anonymous surveys about how my teaching strategies are helping or hindering your learning. It’s very important for me to know your reaction to what we’re doing in class, so I encourage you to respond to these surveys, ensuring that together we can create an environment effective for teaching and learning.
- Sample statement:
- Emergency Evacuation Policy
- Occupants of buildings on the UT Austin campus are required to evacuate and assemble outside when a fire alarm is activated or an announcement is made. Please be aware of the following policies regarding evacuation: Familiarize yourself with all exit doors of the classroom and the building. Remember that the nearest exit door may not be the one you used when you entered the building.
- If you require assistance to evacuate, inform me in writing during the first week of class. In the event of an evacuation, follow my instructions or those of class instructors. Do not re-enter a building unless you’re given instructions by the Austin Fire Department, the UT Austin Police Department, or the Fire Prevention Services office.
- Q drop Policy
- Texas law limits the number of course drops for academic reasons to six. Senate Bill 1231 says: “Beginning with the fall 2007 academic term, an institution of higher education may not permit an undergraduate student a total of more than six dropped courses, including any course a transfer student has dropped at another institution of higher education, unless the student shows good cause for dropping more than that number.”
Other Syllabi Resources for Instructors
- Use past syllabi as a reference
- Syllabi for undergraduate courses are available at
- Visit The Center for Teaching & Learning's page on writing a syllabus:
- There is a syllabus template on this page
- CTL staff are also available for feedback on your syllabi, observing your class, gathering feedback from your students, and more