New Faculty Resources
Resources for New Faculty
The University of Texas at Austin
The university is part of the UT system of schools. It is a public, land-grant institution. The Board of Regents (membership appointed by the governor) oversees the UT system. If you like facts and figures on the university as a whole, try The University of Texas outlines its basic rules and procedures in a Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP):
UT is a large bureaucracy. The below (while not exhaustive) are resources to help you find your way. More specific departmental procedures are linked at the end under appropriate staff members.
Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP)
The most pertinent version of the HOP for you as a new employee to read is in the Original Handbook of Operating Procedures:
Please see 1. Faculty Governance, 3. Faculty and Academics (especially 3.05, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.17, 3.18, and 3.19) and 5. Special Programs, Publications, and Projects (5.08)
The Revised HOP has additions: Of interest are Part 4 Standards of Conduct, Part 5.1 Modified Instructional Duties, Part 11 Research
The Original Policy Memoranda
in section 3 “Faculty and Academics” and 6 “University Facilities and Services” outlines various student-related policies that you might need to know.
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Most everything involving faculty, students, teaching, and research at the university is under the Provost’s umbrella: Of note, tenure and promotion procedures, annual review, merit process, teaching awards, research leaves, the registrar’s office, faculty retirement, faculty recruitment, special projects. A variety of useful forms and links can be found here: Tenure and Promotion can be found here: And UT’s family-friendly policies are here: Most of the below faculty-related policies are linked to from this webpage:
Their office also reports on various university-wide statistics: You can see the Provost’s current initiatives here:
Faculty Ombudsperson
The ombudsperson is a third-party conflict resolution officer providing services to resolve conflicts, disputes or complaints beyond turning in to your supervisor. This office supplements, but does not replace, any existing grievance mechanisms or modes of redress.
Faculty Council
University-wide. Each college has designated representatives.
Research Support
University-wide and see “Grants” at:
Funding provided through Graduate Studies:
Office of Sponsored Projects:
Departmental funding is administered through the chair and area heads.
This office handles registration, transcripts, grade reporting, final exams, archives the course schedule, class rosters, etc.
For links to class rosters, blackboard, and other useful tools for teaching:
Academic Calendar:
You may need to provide resources for students (health, address grievance, conflict-resolution, student organizations). There is a health clinic on campus (Student Services Building [SSB]) which provides physical and mental counseling. A good place to start is a “quick reference” the dean of students provides:
Teaching Assistance
For help developing courses, Course Instructor Surveys, syllabi, etc contact the Center for Teaching and Learning:
Teaching Awards
Teaching awards are generally handled through the department chair’s office. Below are some links for possible awards:
School of Graduate Studies
For questions about your graduate students, TA, AI, graduate student research, thesis, dissertation, and some funding opportunities (for you and your students)
School of Undergraduate Studies
Newly created school with initiatives to improve undergraduate experience. For example: signature courses, course flags, Freshmen Interest Groups.
Human Resource Services
Insurance and Benefits:
Retirement Services:
The Department of Theatre and Dance is led by Chairman Brant Pope. It is part of the College of Fine Arts (COFA) under Dean Douglas Dempster, to whom the chairman reports. The Department has about 44 faculty, 10 full-time staff, and about 400 students. The Department is divided into 3 divisions: Performance, Performance Production, and Performance Studies and Pedagogy.
The chairman appoints an Associate Chair as well as the Area Heads to lead each area. The area heads have signature authority on certain area-specific funding, direct course scheduling, lead area meetings, etc. Per the HOP, the department has an amended Budget Council (BC), which memberships consists of all full professors, two elected associate professors (2 year term) and one elected assistant professor (1 year term). The Budget Council advises the chair on faculty recruitment, promotion and tenure, annual review of faculty/merit review, and other miscellaneous. The Full Faculty meet as needed for informational purposes, as well as to vote on and approve degree program changes and governance changes. Per the HOP, voting faculty members are defined as all tenured/tenure-track plus all fulltime non tenure-track faculty who have been in the department at least one year. A current list of faculty divided by areas is here:
The Graduate Advisor is Jim Glavan, a faculty member with significant administrative responsibilities. She handles all graduate program and graduate student concerns that are not handled by the individual areas.
Standing Committees
There are several standing committees (besides the Budget Council) in the department. The Curriculum Committee vets degree program and curriculum changes before a full faculty vote. The Season Selection Committee determines the titles for the next production season. The Graduate Executive Committee handles graduate student support, evaluation, admission, etc. It is chaired by the Graduate Advisor. Graduate programs are run at the area-level. This Grad ExComm handles everything that needs to be coordinated between areas and with the School of Graduate Studies. The Undergraduate Admissions Committee is responsible for admissions and recruiting of undergraduates, excepting BFA programs which are handled by respective areas. It is chaired by the Director of the Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions. The Undergraduate Scholarship Committee oversees continuing scholarship selection/election for undergraduate students. The New Works Festival Committee is made up by the co-artistic directors for the biennial University Co-Op Presents the Cohen New Works Festival (NWF).
Committee assignments are made annually by the chair (except for Budget Council which is by election). The chair also assigns faculty to two standing College of Fine Arts committees. Two full professors serve on the College Promotion and Tenure Committee. And the chair of the Curriculum Committee plus one department representative serve on the Undergraduate Curriculum and Policy Committee, which reviews degree program changes at the college level. In addition, there are a variety of ad-hoc committees at the department and college level.
Department Productions
The Department works with Texas Performing Arts, a separate entity within the College of Fine Arts, on all departmental productions. Texas Performing Arts employs the various shop technicians (and many of our students) to create our productions as well as their own. In general, creative direction and design of our productions is handled by students and faculty in the department. Texas Performing Arts provides front-of-house, ticket sales, shop staff, and much more in collaboration with our department. The Academic Production Manager, David Stewart, is our primary conduit with Texas Performing Arts. David is employed by Texas Performing Arts but is assigned to work on our productions, as well as the Butler School of Music’s (i.e. opera, classical, etc.). Kathy Panoff is the Director of Texas Performing Arts.
Office Supplies
The department supplies a black and white networked printer, scanner, and copier for all faculty and staff to use. Fax machine is available in the main office for use as well. The department provides supplies for class (e.g. chalk, copies of tests, digital projectors, rehearsal furniture). In 2010, the department initiated cost saving measures regarding office supplies. We do not provide basic office supplies for administrative and/or research purposes (e.g. pens, pencils, highlighters, paper outside of what is used by the networked Ricoh copy machine, toner for personal printers, new furniture for faculty offices). We ask that the copy machine only be used for classwork and necessary administrative purposes (e.g. filling out paperwork for legitimate business purposes). We ask that all syllabi, course packets, readings, and scripts both for departmental productions and for class be scanned and e-mailed to the student rather than making copies. Contact the Office Manager for questions regarding office supplies.
News Sources
For news about the department (including productions) visit our website: We also update news items more regularly on our social blog For social networking, visit our Facebook page: and Twitter feed
Staff Structure:
There are fifteen fulltime administrative staff in the department, who are almost all housed in the main office WIN 1.144. They are listed here:
See appendix for an org chart so you can see reporting structure.
The following is a cheat sheet of what each staff member handles (only indicating job duties related to faculty) and links to policies/procedures they want you to see for their area(s) of responsibility. More detail is available on our wiki:
Please see
Resources for New Faculty
The University of Texas at Austin
The university is part of the UT system of schools. It is a public, land-grant institution. The Board of Regents (membership appointed by the governor) oversees the UT system. If you like facts and figures on the university as a whole, try The University of Texas outlines its basic rules and procedures in a Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP):
UT is a large bureaucracy. The below (while not exhaustive) are resources to help you find your way. More specific departmental procedures are linked at the end under appropriate staff members.
Handbook of Operating Procedures (HOP)
The most pertinent version of the HOP for you as a new employee to read is in the Original Handbook of Operating Procedures:
Please see 1. Faculty Governance, 3. Faculty and Academics (especially 3.05, 3.10, 3.11, 3.14, 3.15, 3.17, 3.18, and 3.19) and 5. Special Programs, Publications, and Projects (5.08)
The Revised HOP has additions: Of interest are Part 4 Standards of Conduct, Part 5.1 Modified Instructional Duties, Part 11 Research
The Original Policy Memoranda
in section 3 “Faculty and Academics” and 6 “University Facilities and Services” outlines various student-related policies that you might need to know.
Office of the Executive Vice President and Provost
Most everything involving faculty, students, teaching, and research at the university is under the Provost’s umbrella: Of note, tenure and promotion procedures, annual review, merit process, teaching awards, research leaves, the registrar’s office, faculty retirement, faculty recruitment, special projects. A variety of useful forms and links can be found here: Tenure and Promotion can be found here: And UT’s family-friendly policies are here: Most of the below faculty-related policies are linked to from this webpage:
Their office also reports on various university-wide statistics: You can see the Provost’s current initiatives here:
Faculty Ombudsperson
The ombudsperson is a third-party conflict resolution officer providing services to resolve conflicts, disputes or complaints beyond turning in to your supervisor. This office supplements, but does not replace, any existing grievance mechanisms or modes of redress.
Faculty Council
University-wide. Each college has designated representatives.
Research Support
University-wide and see “Grants” at:
Funding provided through Graduate Studies:
Office of Sponsored Projects:
Departmental funding is administered through the chair and area heads.
This office handles registration, transcripts, grade reporting, final exams, archives the course schedule, class rosters, etc.
For links to class rosters, blackboard, and other useful tools for teaching:
Academic Calendar:
You may need to provide resources for students (health, address grievance, conflict-resolution, student organizations). There is a health clinic on campus (Student Services Building [SSB]) which provides physical and mental counseling. A good place to start is a “quick reference” the dean of students provides:
Teaching Assistance
For help developing courses, Course Instructor Surveys, syllabi, etc contact the Center for Teaching and Learning:
Teaching Awards
Teaching awards are generally handled through the department chair’s office. Below are some links for possible awards:
School of Graduate Studies
For questions about your graduate students, TA, AI, graduate student research, thesis, dissertation, and some funding opportunities (for you and your students)
School of Undergraduate Studies
Newly created school with initiatives to improve undergraduate experience. For example: signature courses, course flags, Freshmen Interest Groups.
Human Resource Services
Insurance and Benefits:
Retirement Services:
The Department of Theatre and Dance is led by Chairman Brant Pope. It is part of the College of Fine Arts (COFA) under Dean Douglas Dempster, to whom the chairman reports. The Department has about 44 faculty, 10 full-time staff, and about 400 students. The Department is divided into 3 divisions: Performance, Performance Production, and Performance Studies and Pedagogy.
The chairman appoints an Associate Chair as well as the Area Heads to lead each area. The area heads have signature authority on certain area-specific funding, direct course scheduling, lead area meetings, etc. Per the HOP, the department has an amended Budget Council (BC), which memberships consists of all full professors, two elected associate professors (2 year term) and one elected assistant professor (1 year term). The Budget Council advises the chair on faculty recruitment, promotion and tenure, annual review of faculty/merit review, and other miscellaneous. The Full Faculty meet as needed for informational purposes, as well as to vote on and approve degree program changes and governance changes. Per the HOP, voting faculty members are defined as all tenured/tenure-track plus all fulltime non tenure-track faculty who have been in the department at least one year. A current list of faculty divided by areas is here:
The Graduate Advisor is Jim Glavan, a faculty member with significant administrative responsibilities. She handles all graduate program and graduate student concerns that are not handled by the individual areas.
Standing Committees
There are several standing committees (besides the Budget Council) in the department. The Curriculum Committee vets degree program and curriculum changes before a full faculty vote. The Season Selection Committee determines the titles for the next production season. The Graduate Executive Committee handles graduate student support, evaluation, admission, etc. It is chaired by the Graduate Advisor. Graduate programs are run at the area-level. This Grad ExComm handles everything that needs to be coordinated between areas and with the School of Graduate Studies. The Undergraduate Admissions Committee is responsible for admissions and recruiting of undergraduates, excepting BFA programs which are handled by respective areas. It is chaired by the Director of the Undergraduate Recruitment and Admissions. The Undergraduate Scholarship Committee oversees continuing scholarship selection/election for undergraduate students. The New Works Festival Committee is made up by the co-artistic directors for the biennial University Co-Op Presents the Cohen New Works Festival (NWF).
Committee assignments are made annually by the chair (except for Budget Council which is by election). The chair also assigns faculty to two standing College of Fine Arts committees. Two full professors serve on the College Promotion and Tenure Committee. And the chair of the Curriculum Committee plus one department representative serve on the Undergraduate Curriculum and Policy Committee, which reviews degree program changes at the college level. In addition, there are a variety of ad-hoc committees at the department and college level.
Department Productions
The Department works with Texas Performing Arts, a separate entity within the College of Fine Arts, on all departmental productions. Texas Performing Arts employs the various shop technicians (and many of our students) to create our productions as well as their own. In general, creative direction and design of our productions is handled by students and faculty in the department. Texas Performing Arts provides front-of-house, ticket sales, shop staff, and much more in collaboration with our department. The Academic Production Manager, David Stewart, is our primary conduit with Texas Performing Arts. David is employed by Texas Performing Arts but is assigned to work on our productions, as well as the Butler School of Music’s (i.e. opera, classical, etc.). Kathy Panoff is the Director of Texas Performing Arts.
Office Supplies
The department supplies a black and white networked printer, scanner, and copier for all faculty and staff to use. Fax machine is available in the main office for use as well. The department provides supplies for class (e.g. chalk, copies of tests, digital projectors, rehearsal furniture). In 2010, the department initiated cost saving measures regarding office supplies. We do not provide basic office supplies for administrative and/or research purposes (e.g. pens, pencils, highlighters, paper outside of what is used by the networked Ricoh copy machine, toner for personal printers, new furniture for faculty offices). We ask that the copy machine only be used for classwork and necessary administrative purposes (e.g. filling out paperwork for legitimate business purposes). We ask that all syllabi, course packets, readings, and scripts both for departmental productions and for class be scanned and e-mailed to the student rather than making copies. Contact the Office Manager for questions regarding office supplies.
News Sources
For news about the department (including productions) visit our website: We also update news items more regularly on our social blog For social networking, visit our Facebook page: and Twitter feed
Staff Structure:
There are fifteen fulltime administrative staff in the department, who are almost all housed in the main office WIN 1.144. They are listed here:
See appendix for an org chart so you can see reporting structure.
The following is a cheat sheet of what each staff member handles (only indicating job duties related to faculty) and links to policies/procedures they want you to see for their area(s) of responsibility. More detail is available on our wiki:
Please see Staff Info Sheet for more details.
section for more.