Applying to the Professional Development Sequence (PDS)

Applying to the Professional Development Sequence (PDS)

While enrolled in AED 341C, Art Education majors MUST apply to the College of Education for the Professional Development Sequence (PDS) in order to move forward in the program.

If accepted in PDS by the College of Education, students may move forward to the next AED and EDC courses. If accepted conditionally they must meet specific criteria in order to continue moving forward in the program. In some cases, students will not be accepted in the PDS sequence which means they may not move forward in the program.

PDS Admission requirements include:

  • A passing score or exemption on the THEA (formally TASP) exam.
  • Completion of sixty (60) semester hours of college coursework with an acceptable grade point average of at least 3.0.
  • Completion of AED 330 with a grade of B or above.
  • Receive the approval of the Art Education faculty in their assessment of the candidate’s qualifications to enter the teaching profession in seeking a Texas teaching certificate for All-level Art.
  • Access to a laptop. More info here.

Art Education majors are required to remain in good standing in the program upon acceptance into the PDS sequence. Since state certification requirements are continually changing, new requirements are frequently integrated into the UTeach Art program. Specific requirements are announced in AED or EDC courses, ie. Mental Health module, ELL training, substance abuse training module, Dyslexia training, etc.

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