Course Descriptions
AED 330 Introduction to Visual Art Studies (previously VAS 330)
An introduction to the field of art education: philosophy, current trends, instructional methods, advocacy, and careers in schools, museums, and community settings. Preservice students observe in pre-school classrooms to take note of children’s artistic and social development. This course carries a Writing Flag.
AED 341C Learners and Instructional Sites for Visual Art Studies (previously VAS 341C)
An introduction to alternative instructional sites where teaching and learning in the arts take place. Methodologies, practices, and institutional dynamics are examined as they relate to planning, organizing, and implementing programs for individuals and communities. Must apply to College of Education for Professional Development Sequence during enrollment in this course.
AED 351C Art Materials, Techniques, and Processes (previously VAS 351C)
Exploration of basic materials, techniques, and processes of art production in elementary through high school classrooms and alternative settings in the community. Preservice students will learn how to guide pupils through meaningful art production in diverse learning environments.
AED 361C Criticism and Conversation about Art (previously VAS 361C)
Through dialogic and questioning strategies, preservice students will explore diverse artworlds (including contemporary Western and non-Western) and their guiding theories and aesthetic philosophies. In addition, students will conduct field observation of site-specific art for purposes of contextual understanding of artwork.
EDC 331S School Organization and Classroom Management in Secondary Schools
Preservice students learn about philosophies and strategies for organizing and managing an art classroom. Field experience is required to observe elementary art classrooms to take note of class management techniques employed by experienced art educators. This course carries the Ethics and Leadership Flag.
EDC 332S Designs for Instruction – Art
Pre-service teachers build on foundational knowledge and skills gained in previous courses to construct quality arts curriculum focused on secondary learning environments. Instructional practices, learners and their learning environments, content knowledge, and professional responsibilities are expanded, including teaching exceptional students, using assessment, and utilizing technology specific to teaching.
EDC 370S Secondary School Subjects - Art
This course is taken concurrently with EDC 350E and EDC 351S during the student teaching semester. The purpose of this course is to build a community of support and to prepare for entry into the profession. Students discuss planning, instructing, and assessing; interpersonal relations; professional concerns and standards; evaluation procedures; teaching portfolios, certification procedures; interviewing; and a range of related topics.
EDC 350E Elementary Teaching Practicum
Preservice students teach for half a semester in an elementary art classroom. Cooperating teachers and university supervisors evaluate preservice students on their lesson planning, instructional techniques, assessment procedures, interpersonal skills, community building, and professionalism.
EDC 351S Secondary Teaching Practicum - Art
Preservice students teach for half a semester in a middle or high school art classroom. Cooperating teachers and university supervisors evaluate students on their lesson planning, instructional techniques, assessment procedures, interpersonal skills, community building, and professionalism.
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