Push Restore Files to a New Client
Restoring files from an existing backup archive to a new UTBackup agent, without the intended primary user logging into UTBackup first.
This process assumes a fresh installation of the UTBackup agent:
1. The technician performing this push restore should login to UTBackup on the destination device. This registers the UTBackup agent with their account and and enables receiving push restore files from the server.
2. Login to the UTBackup web console, locate the device archive to be restored and proceed with selecting files for restoration.
3. Choose restore type “Device” and enter your destination host’s name in the “Target Device” box. UTBackup will try to match known host names. Choose the correct host name and make sure that entry indicates the target is “online”.
4. Click in the “Target Path” field and choose a destination folder from the directory displayed.
5. Click “Restore” and wait for the push to complete.
6. After the push restoration is complete the destination device must be “deauthorized” from the technician, enabling another user to login on the installed UTBackup agent.
7. Have the primary end user log in to UTBackup and it will create a new device registration of the host under their account.
8. The final step is to “deactivate” the old host registration listed under the technician’s account. This will remove the old device entry from association with the technician's identity but not affect the new primary end user's registration.
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