- Enter object information directly into TMS Collections (TMS-C).
- Curators will be given deadline to request Temp Records IDs provide required object information using the New Object Import Template for each object artwork they would like to present at an upcoming meeting (6-8 weeks before meeting).
- The Registrar will issue numbers and create blank records and a portfolio in submit for import into TMS-C for the curators to work from.
- The curator will be given a deadline to input further details into each record.
- After meeting the Registrar will begin entering details as they come in for each object (shipping, valuation, agent records, location, installation/display details, etc.)
- Review/approve meeting acquisition meeting agenda.
- A month before meeting Cassandra and Carter review completed details for items submitted (curatorial justification) and create final agenda for meeting.
- Two weeks before meeting final agenda goes to group, with curatorial justifications for each object for all to read in advance.
- Once letter of gift or purchase voucher is complete, the registrar and curator are to review cataloguing entry in TMS-C and change object status to accessioned object.When acquisition is completed,
- Print a final copy of the object’s catalog summary, including bibliography and exhibition history if applicable, and file the hard copy in the object file.
- Make the object record (and artist record) public for eMuseum.
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