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What is an RTA (Request for Travel Authorization)?

The primary purpose of

a Request for Travel Authorization (RTA)

an RTA is to approve and authorize employees for UT business travel. All business related travel requires a RTA, no-cost trips included. Below are detailed


instructions for submitting and assigning your RTA.


Overall Process

  1. Access the


  1. Request for Travel Authorization REQ.

  2. Complete all


  1. required fields. 

  2. Be sure to verify if any classes will be missed, if you are a faculty member.

  3. If the request contains funding outside of Area funds, attach any email or correspondences confirming use of the outside account and funding amount. This applies to use of chair, professorship, grant, or other department


  1. funding sources.

  2.  Assign the RTA to Area Head. The Area will approve and assign the request to the Finance Office


titleDirect Bill Note


  1. group (00259).

  2. Travelers can book/pay directly for airfare for later reimbursement, but your chosen fare must be less then found in Concur/Anthony Travel. Print the quote as proof. An itemized paid receipt must be submitted for reimbursement.


The REQ system does not transfer information to Travel Management Services. You can arrange direct-billed


airfare and car rental upon receipt of the Request for Travel Authorization approval email


, which contains the VE5/TV numbers needed to book direct billed travel. Please forward direct billed airfare itinerary/receipts to


Michelle Belisle upon finalized booking.


titleVisual Instruction Guide

Creating the online REQ:

Click on Travel Authorization Request

At the top of the request is the REQ number, creator/created information, and status.

The REQ number will appear on your home page.

All related correspondence will reference the REQ.

When the RTA has been approved the REQ will contain the Document ID and RTA Number (VE5/TV)


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Filling out the form:

Same information required as on paper RTA.  Incomplete fields will result in a processing delay since document will have to be returned for missing information

Request InformationImage Removed




  • For Description, indicate: Dates of Travel, Destination, Purpose (conference/professional/research/etc)

  • Request Notes


  • : Communicate to Area/Department any pertinent information.  Please indicate if requesting funding.

What do I need to get started?

Dates of Travel


Purpose of Travel

Benefit to UT

Disposition of duties

Account(s) to be charged

Estimation of expenses

Breakdown of expenses

Assignment Routing: Traveler > Area > Finance Office (Patricia Semenov). 


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Destination Information


Selecting the Question Icon will provide a window to search for City, State, Country and will auto-populate information when selected

Travel InformationImage Removed

Account InformationImage Removed

  1. Enter Estimated Costs
  2. Enter account number, account description (title), and allocation.
  3. Leave blank if next person/assignee will enter account.

Expenditure Breakdown

  • Traveler must select the check box to itemize expenses.

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Traveler Assistance Information


  • Though there is a box where you can indicate you “need assistance booking travel”, be aware, the department only provides assistance paying Conference Registration fees.


Select – CONTINUE to assign document for approval

Travel Authorization Request: Assign

Choose AssigneeImage Removed

Assign To:  select UT EID

  • If you do not know the EID select the question mark icon to look it up.

Who do I assign it to?

  • Assign to Area Head
  • Optional – Assign to another Account Signer for funding approval other than Area before sending to Area Head.
  • Area Head assign to Patricia Semenov (ps3496)

Assignment Note

  •  All other arrangements you will need to arrange via Concur, Anthony Travel, or on your own.

  • Assignment Note: Provide information to Assignee regarding request.  Are these established funds?


  •  Are you requesting funding and why?


  •  This is where you communicate to your Assignee.


Include Page

Once your REQ has been assigned you can track it via the HISTORY tab across the upper end of the REQ or via the homepage.

REQ Assignment Groups
REQ Assignment Groups


Located at the top of the REQ page, the HISTORY tab provides the requester the ability to track the REQ.

Upon creation the REQ establishes a date/time stamp each time a person routes the document.

Each person who reviews/approves the document can add notes that will appear in the HISTORY.

The requester can track the REQ through the approval process and follow up if the REQ has not moved forward.


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When your request is approved, you'll receive a UT generated email with the subject Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) TV######### approved:


  • Airfare Upgrade Request: Only base/coach fares are allowed. If you have a special need for First/Business Class or Seating

    Upgrade Purchase Request Form must be submitted via the Travel Management Services site for direct billed and traveler funded purchases.  Failure

    , you must submit the preapproval form. Failure to do so will result in a denial of the direct billed airfare ticket request or airfare purchase reimbursement. Submit a copy of the approval letter with your REQ/Travel Reimbursement Request.

  • Rental Cars:  All car rental reservations are required to be made using one of the




    Car rental contract

    car vendors, citing the chosen vendor's specific rate identifier code.  Follow link for information via the Travel Management site. 

    agreements, which require you to book via the special links provided and input UT’s discount/agreement code.

  • Standard Daily Per Diem rate:  $8 Breakfast, $13 Lunch, $30 Dinner = $51/day 

  • Handbook of Business Procedures - General Travel Rules 

  • UT Restricted Regions Policy Information