Recap of May/June activities | Katie, Melanie, Michael, Paloma | - TCDL Birds of a Feather Session - Melanie gave overview
- 20+ attendees
- 2 discussion topics
- Wide range of LD familiarity among attendees
- 9 folks beyond organizers expressed interest in continuing to converse & coordinate on LD topics, form TDL community of practice
- TDL Linked Data community of practice, kickoff meeting Friday 07/22
- Many attendees are using Alma/Primo, which has options for working with and displaying linked data, excitement about possibilities of coordinated experimentation
- Excitement about creating a shared local authorities resource, maybe using Handbook of Texas online
- Relationship between this UT-based group and the TDL Linked Data community of practice?
- Recognition that we'll need to be mindful of keeping things manageable and valuable for folks to participate in both
- Our group can maintain focus on UT resources/collections/priorities
Wikidata workshop | All | - Revisit brainstorming document
- Recap conversations about workshop from earlier in the year, goals
- Inquiring with UTL colleagues about Digital Humanities/Digital Scholarship overlap/interest in linked data/Wikidata
- Discussing how to raise awareness/showcase existing projects to wider audience
- Through discussion, we decided our immediate audience focus should be colleagues in our libraries/archives, instead of wider campus community
- Tasks now at hand: Pick a dataset of common interest, set up hands-on Wikidata workshop akin to those we heard about in LD4
- Focus on Handbook of Texas
- Focus on adding references?
- Planning and delivery timetable?
- Recognizing work outside our regular monthly meetings is necessary
- Spending time to craft workshop focus mindfully, with possible IDEA tie-ins
- Communication/set-up to effectively pique interest, convey context, and bring people up to speed quickly
- mid-late Fall term is ambitious goal, possibly consider Spring term 2023?
- Next steps:
- Do more workshop brainstorming b/t now and next meeting, outlining tasks to assign out
- Engage volunteers to take on assignments
- Katie will look more closely at the Handbook of Texas and come up with more concrete workshop ideas - Elliot happy to help
- Elliot is open to investigate data sources or strategize workshop structure