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titleDe novo locus generation
#navigate to the directory
cd denovo_2bRAD

#look at starting trimmed fastq files
ls *_trimmed.fastq
      sampleA.trim  sampleB.trim  sampleC.trim
#(this is analogous to making 'stacks' in STACKS (Fig1A Catchen et al. (2011))
#finds the unique RAD tags from each fastq sampleA_trimmed.fastq > sampleA.uni sampleB_trimmed.fastq > sampleB.uni sampleC_trimmed.fastq > sampleC.uni
# merging uniqued files
#(Fig1B Catchen et al. (2011)) uni minDP=2 >mydataMerged.uniq
#generates a merged set of unique tags:
# clustering allowing for up to 3 mismatches (-c 0.91); the most abundant sequence becomes reference
#This is equivalent to calling loci (Fig1C-D Catchen et al. (2011))
cd-hit-est -i mergedUniqTags.fasta -o cdh_alltags.fas -aL 1 -aS 1 -g 1 -c 0.91 -M 0 -T 0

#now we have called de novo loci based on the tags (70758 total)
#assemble them into an artificial reference for re-mapping and genotyping fasta=cdh_alltags.fas num=8
#index the artificial reference with bowtie
module load bowtie
bowtie2-build cdh_alltags_cc.fasta cdh_alltags_cc.fasta
#now create mapping commands using a for loop
for file in *_trimmed.fastq
 do echo "bowtie2 --no-unal -x cdh_alltags_cc.fasta -U $file -S ${file/_trimmed.fastq/}.sam -p 12 &">>mappingCommands

#look at the mapping commands
cat mappingCommands

	bowtie2 --no-unal -x cdh_alltags_cc.fasta -U sampleC_trimmed.fastq -S sampleC.sam -p 12 &
	bowtie2 --no-unal -x cdh_alltags_cc.fasta -U sampleB_trimmed.fastq -S sampleB.sam -p 12 &
	bowtie2 --no-unal -x cdh_alltags_cc.fasta -U sampleA_trimmed.fastq -S sampleA.sam -p 12 &

#These will use bowtie to map the reads back to the clustered loci we generated from them
#Double-check you're in an idev session before executing!
#copy the commands and paste them to execute
#The resulting alignment files can now be used for whichever genotyping method you prefer
