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Create GPC List


Prep Distributed Phase (Final)

\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\6.SIS projects\Batch Scheduling\2-6-9 Prep Distributed Phase (Final).docx

  • Check CM access dates, cross-listings jobs, J3/J4.
  • Update misc data and room caps, synch instructor names. Check discrepant relationships between file 60 and file 431, then resequence unique numbers on file 60. Recheck discrepant relationships between file 60 and 431. Change cancelled courses from D to A.
  • Take snapshot (Original Distributed)
  • Last step is uploading the reports (unpublished to Canvas) and prepping the memo.
  • See Canvas 'sample module' for what reports to post to Canvas: currently including 1) Original Phase Open Memo, 2) Original Distributed Draft, 3) Original Distributed All Sections, 4) Original Distributed Incomplete Sections, 5) Original Distributed Production Comments, 6) Course Inventory, and 7) Courses Added to Inventory.


Morning of: publish reports posted in Canvas and Priscilla sends out memo (via email and in Canvas announcement).
While CM 2.0 is open to departments and deans we will need to check production comments daily. Comments usually pertain to non-inventory noteline information such as class meets dates, locations, titles, cross-listings, HOME, etc.. These comments are delivered to us electronically in txt format to the Scheduling Austin disk during the period that CM 2.0 is open to departments and deans. Run NRNWCRL1 periodically throughout the time that CM 2.0 is open to Depts/Deans (at minimum, right before we open CM up for Original, half way through Originator's time, the morning of Dean's time, and after CM closes to everyone.
Use production comments checklist:
\\\disk\reg\RegistrarCourse Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\CSP Checklists.docx


Turning pages – Original Returned

See checklist and tools:
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\Turning Pages\Turning Pages_tools.docx
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\12. Internal Projects\Streamlined Documentation-in progress\Functional Processes\CSP Checklists.docx


We use the HAL Prep assignment checklist to assign tasks to different members of the team. Current tasks include: running building reports, print priority list, giving WEL building report to PWW, marking up building reports, applying building report notes and changes in Class Manager, checking for closing limit and/or anticipated enrollment problems, checking for option iii classes or short courses requesting GPCs, allocation, with notes, staff eids for XL classes with no instructor or differing instructor, home set for home not found, hours report, J3/J4, partial control requests, remaining production comments, departments requesting GPCs via note, multiple sections with more than 15, and removing building and GPC from cancelled classes.
\\\disk\reg\registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\Manual Scheduling - RTBS\HAL Prep Assignment Checklist.docx
\\\disk\reg\Registrar\Course Scheduling\8.Documentation\Manual Scheduling - RTBS\Updated-RTBS How To.docx
