Versions Compared


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  • Dumbarton Oaks

    • Repository:

      • small

      • light weight IT

    • Started looking in 2012

      • started by coming up with functional requirements: both archival and item-level description

    • Impressed with responsive support

    • AT too focused on archival desc.

    • wanted to be able to export

    • interoperable w/ other catalogs

    • Ingest variety of formats: excel, metadata in various formats, access

    • flexible, hierarchical structures

    • started looking at around 24, quickly down to 8

    • wanted something to could handle variety of material types

    • wanted a larger user group- collective access had few people using the user forums

    • Migration

      • need to be able to further develop taxonomy functionalities before using AtoM

      • platform agnostic- windows or mac but ran into problems- hung up for about a month

        • AtoM wound up re-writing documentation to better support

      • Had little IT support

        • contracted with outside IT consultant

        • hosted through Amazon cloud-works well

      • Doing some in-house development (plugin) through Artefactual

        • Started with contracted developer in house

        • documentation is still sometimes misleading, over simplified

        • have run into number of bugs

        • timeline has been long

        • Wound up using Artefactual for development rather than contracted developer

      • Legacy systems- not all have been migrated (image catalog system is next for migration)

        • developing mapping system between AtoM and legacy system

        • 70000 images in legacy image catalog system

      • Have entered som finding aids as data entry (not imported)

      • End users confused because some data had been entered into AtoM some hadn’t

        • created stub records for everything in AtoM just so everything would be represented

          • All data entry (38 collections)

    • In-house customization vs. sponsorship

      • minimal customization

        • confusion about menu labels out of the box in AtoM

        • Get an overview of collections in a system- page of collections

        • Renamed first value in browse menu to “collections” to make it clearer

        • Incorporated user-friendly language in menus

        • developed some additional help documentation

      • Have begun two development projects

        • in-house plug-in (not sponsored)

        • Sponsored content: enhancement to places taxonomy-

          • already allowed BT, NT, Use, Use For etc., worked well on admin side

          • hierarchical data didn’t make it to catalog record and wasn’t being indexed. Users didn’t benefit from hierarchical structure created on admin side

          • sponsored cataloging, browsing, indexing functionality

        • wanted related material that would actually link to those related materials, not just free text

    • EAD3

      • Haven’t spoken to Artefactual yet.

    • Wish list based on user study

      • No way to search by date, would be nice

      • Addition of preferred citation

      • now using notes field

      • Added accent-insensitive search

      • Shopping cart

      • tool-tips made visible to end-users as explanatory text?

    • Timelines

      • explosion in US use since 2009

      • a lot of development

      • have been very responsive on a vareity of platforms

      • but for contracting development look at 3-4 months out

      • fairly large backlog of projects-also working on new versions of AtoM

    • Internal Validator/EAD exporting

      • Also would be interested in a tool for validating/previewing

      • currently export, run xslt on record, then convert into MARC which can be uploaded to OCLC

        • would love to simplify process

        • Kickstarter-eque effort to fund such a tool?

      • Would like to see tree view added to AtoM (like what world bank had customized)

        • was this not added to general AtoM codebase? Why not?


Jazz Heritage

  • Repository:

    • Small

    • lots of digital materials- streaming music and digital photos

    • used Access for inventories but wanted something  to deal with digital preservation

  • Evaluation of Archivists Toolkit

    • seemed too focused on archives, rather than digital objects

    • needed something to deal with eclectic collections of variety of media plus records management functionality

  • Migration

    • converted data to csv to migrate out of access

  • no internal IT- outsources some technical support

    • IT guy got onto AtoM forums

    • Smooth migration

    • Delays happen due to out-sourced IT

  • In-house customization vs. sponsorship

    • Haven’t looked into customization much- works well as-is

    • Still pretty fresh out of the box

    • focused just on getting data into system


World Bank

  • About to launch

  • have had some customization done

    • Lots of deep finding aids

    • Navigational structure on left wasn’t working- Artefactual built up an expanded tree view - shows where you are in hierarchy

    • Will not manage FA’s in tool itself (using TRIM (sp?)) which is a collection management tool, but has no public interface

      • converted data into csv, custom artefactual script will then move into AtoM

      • Will export all changed data 1/month or so from one system to the other

      • will have some static pages w/in AtoM

      • some security issues have come up

        • vulnerable to malicious code

        • working with Artefactual to fix those issues

      • Not uploading digital materials to AtoM- has a separate system that uses pdfs

        • will link out to other system from AtoM

      • Customized some reports in-house using php to allow users to download pdfs from pages

      • launch in early Feb.

        • security ironed-out

        • push-pull between the two systems worked out

  • Not enough development staff at Artefactual causes delays- afraid that in-house delays at World Bank will cause repository to lose place in line for Artefactual development projects

    • Platform is large, developed over time- new Artefactual staff has to ramp up

Action items
