2014-10-29 Meeting notes ADWG




  • Hangout with the US-based AtoM users group - representatives from WorldBank, Dumbarton Oaks, and New Orleans Jazz and Heritage Center will be joining us
      • Introductions - 
        • Jessica will introduce everyone by name and institution 
        • It would be great if the four of you ladies could take turns telling a little bit about the size/type of institution you work for the way you are using AtoM (archival description management system, cataloging tool for digital items, both, etc.)
        • It would also be helpful to know some of the other systems you were considering in the run-up to selecting AtoM
      • Issues we would like to know more about from each of our guests perspectives:
        • The process of migration from your previous system to AtoM, or from no system to AtoM (importing EAD records, accession records, and making use of the physical storage features of AtoM)
        • IT resources/needs for implementing AtoM, ongoing maintenance, upgrades (Current level of IT support at your institution and how that has impacted your experience with AtoM)
        • Customization v. Sponsored Development
        • Experience with user support - using the AtoM Google Group, contacting AtoM directly
        • Features you wish it had for the U.S. archival context (MARC export, internal validator) and more about possible cost-sharing across repositories for sponsored development of those features
        • EAD3?
  • Hands-on AtoM Computer Lab.
    • Sample data and activities prepared (accession records and finding aids for importing and hand-entering in information).
  • Discussion evaluation criteria for the Nov.12th demos with TARO

Discussion items

  • Dumbarton Oaks

    • Repository:

      • small

      • light weight IT

    • Started looking in 2012

      • started by coming up with functional requirements: both archival and item-level description

    • Impressed with responsive support

    • AT too focused on archival desc.

    • wanted to be able to export

    • interoperable w/ other catalogs

    • Ingest variety of formats: excel, metadata in various formats, access

    • flexible, hierarchical structures

    • started looking at around 24, quickly down to 8

    • wanted something to could handle variety of material types

    • wanted a larger user group- collective access had few people using the user forums

    • Migration

      • need to be able to further develop taxonomy functionalities before using AtoM

      • platform agnostic- windows or mac but ran into problems- hung up for about a month

        • AtoM wound up re-writing documentation to better support

      • Had little IT support

        • contracted with outside IT consultant

        • hosted through Amazon cloud-works well

      • Doing some in-house development (plugin) through Artefactual

        • Started with contracted developer in house

        • documentation is still sometimes misleading, over simplified

        • have run into number of bugs

        • timeline has been long

        • Wound up using Artefactual for development rather than contracted developer

      • Legacy systems- not all have been migrated (image catalog system is next for migration)

        • developing mapping system between AtoM and legacy system

        • 70000 images in legacy image catalog system

      • Have entered som finding aids as data entry (not imported)

      • End users confused because some data had been entered into AtoM some hadn’t

        • created stub records for everything in AtoM just so everything would be represented

          • All data entry (38 collections)

    • In-house customization vs. sponsorship

      • minimal customization

        • confusion about menu labels out of the box in AtoM

        • Get an overview of collections in a system- page of collections

        • Renamed first value in browse menu to “collections” to make it clearer

        • Incorporated user-friendly language in menus

        • developed some additional help documentation

      • Have begun two development projects

        • in-house plug-in (not sponsored)

        • Sponsored content: enhancement to places taxonomy-

          • already allowed BT, NT, Use, Use For etc., worked well on admin side

          • hierarchical data didn’t make it to catalog record and wasn’t being indexed. Users didn’t benefit from hierarchical structure created on admin side

          • sponsored cataloging, browsing, indexing functionality

        • wanted related material that would actually link to those related materials, not just free text

    • EAD3

      • Haven’t spoken to Artefactual yet.

    • Wish list based on user study

      • No way to search by date, would be nice

      • Addition of preferred citation

      • now using notes field

      • Added accent-insensitive search

      • Shopping cart

      • tool-tips made visible to end-users as explanatory text?

    • Timelines

      • explosion in US use since 2009

      • a lot of development

      • have been very responsive on a vareity of platforms

      • but for contracting development look at 3-4 months out

      • fairly large backlog of projects-also working on new versions of AtoM

    • Internal Validator/EAD exporting

      • Also would be interested in a tool for validating/previewing

      • currently export, run xslt on record, then convert into MARC which can be uploaded to OCLC

        • would love to simplify process

        • Kickstarter-eque effort to fund such a tool?

      • Would like to see tree view added to AtoM (like what world bank had customized)

        • was this not added to general AtoM codebase? Why not?


Jazz Heritage

  • Repository:

    • Small

    • lots of digital materials- streaming music and digital photos

    • used Access for inventories but wanted something  to deal with digital preservation

  • Evaluation of Archivists Toolkit

    • seemed too focused on archives, rather than digital objects

    • needed something to deal with eclectic collections of variety of media plus records management functionality

  • Migration

    • converted data to csv to migrate out of access

  • no internal IT- outsources some technical support

    • IT guy got onto AtoM forums

    • Smooth migration

    • Delays happen due to out-sourced IT

  • In-house customization vs. sponsorship

    • Haven’t looked into customization much- works well as-is

    • Still pretty fresh out of the box

    • focused just on getting data into system


World Bank

  • About to launch

  • have had some customization done

    • Lots of deep finding aids

    • Navigational structure on left wasn’t working- Artefactual built up an expanded tree view - shows where you are in hierarchy

    • Will not manage FA’s in tool itself (using TRIM (sp?)) which is a collection management tool, but has no public interface

      • converted data into csv, custom artefactual script will then move into AtoM

      • Will export all changed data 1/month or so from one system to the other

      • will have some static pages w/in AtoM

      • some security issues have come up

        • vulnerable to malicious code

        • working with Artefactual to fix those issues

      • Not uploading digital materials to AtoM- has a separate system that uses pdfs

        • will link out to other system from AtoM

      • Customized some reports in-house using php to allow users to download pdfs from pages

      • launch in early Feb.

        • security ironed-out

        • push-pull between the two systems worked out

  • Not enough development staff at Artefactual causes delays- afraid that in-house delays at World Bank will cause repository to lose place in line for Artefactual development projects

    • Platform is large, developed over time- new Artefactual staff has to ramp up

Action items
