- House Keeping Package
- Quick Look Package
- Data Taking Package
- Slit Camera View
- The House Keeping Package gives you temperatures, vacuum pressure, motor, and power status. It just passively provides statistics.
- Click Periodic Monitoring to make it work.
- Click Periodic Monitoring to make it work.
- The Quick Look Package does quick and dirty data-reduction in semi-real time. There is a different version for the H and K band.
- The QLP does not start automatically with icsrun. To run the QLP:
- Open a new terminal.
- Type, 'cd /IGRINS_QLP_v3.0.1_Hband' or 'cd /IGRINS_QLP_v3.0.1_Kband' depending on the band you want to see.
- type 'python QL_Main.py &'
- Repeat this for the other band if you want to Quick Look at both bands.
- To auto-refresh the images while observing:
- Click on the 'Obs Log' toggle.
- Click 'Open' and identify the log file for the current night.
- Click on 'Auto Refresh'.
- When a new image is loaded the file number in the upper right and the thumbnail image on the left will update .
- Click on the thumbnail image to update the larger image.
- Currently the 'Zoom', 'N_Col Y' and 'N_Line X' pulldown menus cause the software to crash and should not be used.
- The QLP does not start automatically with icsrun. To run the QLP:
- Data Taking Package reads out H & K detectors.
- Left side displays images off of detectors
- Also gives some basic telescope information.
- "Image Information"
- This is the things that will get filled in the fits header and observing logs.
- Group # is a way to group A0 standards to targets and should not be used.
- The RAUser and DecUser fields are not saved and should be ignored.
- Check boxes allow you to turn off H & K bands. Why anyone would do this, I don't know... best to keep them both checked.
- This is the things that will get filled in the fits header and observing logs.
- "H-band" & "K-band"
- Set exposure time
- Set Folwer #
This is the number of readouts that make up the difference between the first and last readouts. Used to beat down read noise.
- Displays timekeeping stats
- "Start Exposures" - self explanatory
- "Abort" - self explanatory
- "Save FITS File"
- Check if you want the data taking package to save the fits files
- Uncheck to take test images
- The rest is self explanatory
- NOTE: You need to click "Path" to save the path
- "Calibration Mode"
- Does any combination of darks, flats, & arcs at any exposure time and # of exposures.
- Run to automatically take calibrations, should work well
- Check the House Keeping Package to make sure it is working fine.
- "Observing Mode"
- Currently non-functional script mode to automate observing.
- "Status"
- Log of stuff happening - Self Explanatory
- Left side displays images off of detectors
Slit Camera Package
- Image window shows slit view camera field
- Clicking on it shows zoomed in view and an attempt at gaussian fitting a point source for guiding.
- Below is a zoomed in view of the slit
You are now ready to take calibration frames - Taking Calibrations- Image window shows slit view camera field