- Ensure that tmp350.py is running in a terminal window. Otherwise run the script yourself by typing 'python tmp350.py' in the command line.
- First target of the night requires that you "Enable Dome Automation" on TCS>Tools.
- Check the instrument rotation and temperatures regularly. Enter the next targets coordinates into the TCS.
- Check the objects observability in the window that displays the telescope limits.
- Choose the 'Go Next' option on the TCS.
- Go out into the dome and hold down the 'Autoslew' button. Watch clearances as the telescope slews to the target.
- Once on target return to the control room and take a test image with the IGRINS Slitview Camera.
- After the initial slit view image has displayed then look for your target in the field.
- If you don't see your target, but you see other stars, check that your exposure time is sufficient.
- To search for your source start by nodding to the obscured region of the slit view image.
- Spiral out from the start to systematically search. Steps of ~70 arcseconds are appropriate.
- Do not waste time 'poking around' on the sky. If you can't find your source:
- Check your coordinates and your understanding of the dithering procedure.
- Check pointing on a nearby bright star and Zero the Telescope Pointing in TCS.
- Find wider FOV finder charts and offsets to get from a nearby bright star to your source.
- Once you have found your target, then follow the guiding procedures on the manuals page.