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  • "Study Hall" - silent review of printed agenda, making notes, getting in the zone
  • Recap of highlights/action items from last month's meeting
    • digital humanities/scholarship group activities - update?
    • environmental scan of complex objects on campus - let's set some action items:
      • identify, connect with, and define target campus communities
      • develop 5-10 survey questions
      • identify survey distribution channels
    • ideas for actively expanding reach of DPIG collaborative work - publishing, workshops, co-sponsoring events as goals?
  • DC-2014 conference recap
    • how do we participate/contribute/edit - various projects presented at Fonds & Bonds (SNAC, iSNI, etc)  
  • Round Robin Updates (3 per attendee)
    • Melanie: 
      • 1 month at UT Libs; 
      • Digital Curation Implementation Team;
      • DPOC projects 
    • Katie: 
      • 2 months as APL Librarian; 
      • digital humanities environmental scan (Architecture); 
      • UTDR/UTSOA video preservation
    • Jessica: 
      • metadata crosswalking to MODS for digital collections; 
      • Preserving UTexas submitting a proposal; ASMP Software Systems
      • volunteer to make contact with Fine Arts and Engineering to investigate their CDOs (we should probably decide how many different groups we want to target in our sample - 4-5 domains may reveal 75% of the major challenges for all domains creating CDOs)
    • Esther:
      • Updates to Atom 2.1, some increased functionality
      • MARC export may be forthcoming
      • Fonds and Bonds
    • Maryrose
      • EDMS enterprise-level document management system
    • Adam
      • Reflectance transformation imaging stuff
      • Archaeology data management group meeting
      • UG CS student working on metadata extraction tool, Linked Data

Discussion items

Intro to Study Hall formatMelanie
  • The Outlook invite for the meeting was suggested as a way to get organized - was it useful?
    • the majority of attendees did find it helpful
  • Next month is the last meeting of the semester - 
    • Do we want to do anything special for that meeting?
    • Do we have any special goals for that meeting? 
    • Things we want to shore up or have ready for January?
Recap on digital scholarshipMelanie/Jennifer
  • There have been 2 campus-wide gatherings
  • They pulled together representatives from groups inside the libraries doing related work
  • The TX DH Consortium is working on fleshing out their website - the area where you can make a profile with projects and special interests so that people can find each other and connect
  • Next TX DH Consortium will be in Arlington in April
  • UT-wide meetings have been informal - conversation, getting people subscribed to the UT-DH listserv
    • a couple of projects have already come out of that - possible grant proposals
    • the meetings have been advertised on campus but have also pulled in some folks from outside of campus
  • The TX DH consortium list would be a good place to push the interinstitutional conversation around DH
  • Last session there was a discussion about combining DP questions in the DH survey with Jennifer and Ece
    • They surveyed the UTLib group about the survey and identified DH projects/relationships that were preexisting
    • Also concerns about giving the impression that the survey implies immediate action on DH on campus, which would not have been accurate
Environmental Scan of Complex Objects on CampusMelanie/Katie/Jennifer/Adam
  • Thinking about the best way to do this
  • Surveys introduce the following issues:
    • response rate
    • promises/expectation management
    • people feel obligated to answer even if the available responses do not describe their practice
  • Perhaps the environmental scan should be more like interviews or focus groups
  • Interviews would allow us to build relationships
  • How closely related are these two efforts
  • It sounds like these two efforts should be different
  • Adam feels that perhaps one way to go about it is to focus the scan on specific departments
  • Katie suggested that for natural sciences or engineering, the bibliographers might be able to provide a contact
  • Jennifer suggests a phased approach to the scan 
    • Where we take where we learned from the 3 groups and then be able to show some progress for people in the problem
  • The phased approach also manages the scale for the environmental scan and the case studies
  • Natural Sciences preservation - 
    • Is it even an issue for them?
    • Do they know they have a problem?
    • Contacts for Natural Sciences:
      • Dennis Trombatori (sp?) at the Geology Library
      • Cameron in the DAMS group - Associate Dean for Natural Sciences ?
  • Melanie feels that this environmental scan will also be useful for the Digital Curation group at UT Libraries
Figuring out how to break down the environmental scan? 
  • Faculty only?
  • Number of faculty per unit
  • How many people should be in the unit-based teams
  • Roles on a team
    • interviewer (information science) - thinking about involving the iSchool
      • Pat Galloway - translator between archiving and archeology
        • leveraging the Digital Archives class or capstone
        • capstone proposals are due in December
        • students could be involved but we would need to know exactly what we needed them to do
      • Diane Bailey - information professionals at work
    • content specialist (Ex. Adam, Katie, Sydney) to serve as translator
  • Tasks
    • IRB approval if we are going to publish anything or present any results
    • Transcription and coding
    • Interview Questions
  • What do want to outcomes to be
    • summary report
      • identifying patterns - common needs
      • unexpected
      • matching faculty needs to services we already provide on campus/matching competencies
    • workshop
    • grant scoping - coming up with ideas for ideas
    • recommendations for services
    • thinking about this as a research initiative
      • communities of practice
        • what people are doing
        • what we've got
        • were there is overlap
Short description of what we are doing 
  • Complex Digital Objects - give examples and define terms
  • Environmental scan of what CDOs mean in the context of Art, Architecture, and Archaeology
    • identify issues common to all
    • how they are using, managing, and preserving those things
  • One faculty and one staff per unit for the interviews = total of 6 interviews
  • As far as the relationship between the group (with an identity as group) and the campus, we are all here representing our respective institutions - we are not representing ourselves as a group

Action items

  • Interview questions - two per member of the group
  • Breaking down the roles in a solid team configuration
  • Identifying interviewees
  • Contacting Eunjung - with a description of what we are doing and get an ETA on the IRB process
  • Contact Dr. Galloway about her class and the PI on the thing
  • think about scheduling for the spring
  • No labels