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For information on Faculty Development Leave, a program similar to sabbaticals and available only to tenured faculty, see Faculty Development Leave.

On this page:

What is FDA?

See EVPP: Faculty Development Award.

The Provost's Faculty Development Award program is open to all ranks of benefits-eligible professional-track faculty in the lecturer, instruction, practice, research, clinical faculty title series. It provides up to $10,000 to support the professional development opportunities and activities of each awardee. The $10,000 award can go toward summer salary, or can be split between summer salary and an operational account to be used by faculty member for purposes of research or professional development. Award funds can be used to support development opportunities across up to two academic years.

The number of FDAs to be awarded per year is limited, and faculty to receive FDAs will be selected through the process described on this page.

Timeline for application year 2024-25

(For FDAs effective )

  • September 3-October 1: Application system open  

  • October 4: COE Faculty Affairs completes applicant eligibility review  

  • October 9-November 8: COE committee review of FDA applications  

  • November 9: Deadline for COE review committee to forward recommendations to Dean 

  • November 10-17: Dean review  

  • November 18: Dean sends FDA awardee recommendations to EVPP 

  • December 18: EVPP notifies awardees  

  • February 17: FDA recipients’ acceptance forms due to COE Faculty Affairs 


2024-25 guidelines will be posted August 1, 2024.

Faculty are encouraged to confirm their eligibility prior to applying.

To be eligible to apply for an FDA, a faculty member must be tenured at the time of application and must meet all of the following criteria:

  • Must have met or exceeded expectations in at least three of the most recent full academic years preceding their FDL application.

  • At the start of the UT-FDL, the faculty member must have already completed at least six full academic years employed as a full-time faculty member by UT Austin, with the six years including at least two full academic years of consecutive full-time service at UT Austin, and have received no other FDLs (or their predecessor, FRAs) during that six-year period.

    • The two full academic years of consecutive full-time service do not have to immediately precede the application nor award of FDL.

    • Leaves related to parental and paid sick time off policies do not interrupt the count of consecutive years.

Additional information:

Application process

  1. Before applying, please carefully review the "Eligibility" and "Conditions for recipients" sections on this page.

  2. COE application process:

Responsible party





a) Discuss the timing of the proposed FDA with their department chair. For timing options, see section 1 of COE FDA Timing and Eligibility Checklist.

b) Review all University and College eligibility requirements for the award.


Initiate and route COE FDA Timing and Eligibility Checklist:

a) Complete items I-IV of "Applicant completes" section and sign.

b) Department chair completes and signs the appropriate section of the form.

c) Applicant forwards form to for review and completion. 

COE Faculty Affairs


Review COE FDA Timing and Eligibility Checklist, complete, and return to applicant. (Applicant will include completed form in their application materials.)



Submit application including all requested materials through the Provost's online system prior to the deadline.   Note that extensions to the stated deadline will not be granted.

Applications must include all of the following documentation:

Provost’s Office


Online application system closes.

COE Faculty Affairs and Provost’s Office


Review each applicant's materials and confirms their eligibility in the application system.

Department chair


Receive an email notification that applicants are awaiting their review. Only materials from eligible applicants will be made available. 


Review applications online and makes recommendations.

COE FDL review committee


Review applications based on APS and COE policies, and sends recommendations to Dean.



Review applications based on COE FDA committee recommendations, and forwards final recommendations to Provost's Office.

Provost’s Office


Review Dean's recommendations and makes final decisions according to CSU allotment. Notifies applicants of their decision.

Processes for awardees

To accept the FDA

  1. The Provost's Office will notify awardees via email just prior to the winter break. Notification emails will include an attachment: page 1 will be the award letter, and page 2 will be an Acceptance Form.

  2. Recipient should sign the Acceptance Form and return to Please note the deadline to return the form, stated on the form itself.

  3. COE Faculty Affairs will obtain the Senior Associate Dean's signature, record relevant award info, and add the fully-signed form to the faculty member's Dean's Office personnel file on Box.  

  4. COE Faculty Affairs will forward the fully-signed form to the Provost's Office, and will cc the recipient's department Chair and Administrative Manager.

Upon completion of the FDA

The faculty member must submit a report documenting the following:

  • Activities and products

  • Impact of the FDA on their professional development

  • Accounting of all grants supplemental to the FDA

A report template is available at EVPP: Faculty Development Award for Professional-Track Faculty > "FDA Award Report." Failure to submit the report by the deadline will make the faculty member ineligible to receive another future FDA.

Information for administrative staff


The Provost's Office will transfer funds to COE for processing according to CSU guidelines. For FDAs taken as an operational account, the Dean's Office will transfer the funds to a departmental account.

Workday processing

In COE, FDAs taken as summer salary will be processed by the faculty member's primary department as a summer Additional Job (non-teaching) in Workday, funded by an account designated by the Dean's Office. Upload a copy of the signed FDA acceptance form to the Workday Business Process, and in the comments, add "Approved FDA."

APS will record FDAs in the faculty member's Workday profile. Go to "Academic" > "Current Appointments." In the "Identifier" column, look for FD (Faculty Development). "Track Type" will be FDA (Faculty Development Award).

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