The result string for a delegation request contains to the following information:
Property | Value | Required | Details |
Timestamp | When the request was processed | Yes | The ISO 8601 extended format date and time in UTC when request was processed
Success | True or False | Yes | True if the request was processed successfully. False otherwise. |
Request | Original request string | Yes | The original request string is preseved to document the actions taken for a successful request or aid in resolving issues when a request could not be processed successfully.
Error | Error message when Success is False | No | Contains a short description of why the request could not be processed as submitted. |
The following JSON string is an example of a result string:
{ "Timestamp":"2024-01-02T04:05:06.007Z", "Success":true, "Request":"{\"Timestamp\":\"2024-01-02T03:04:05.006Z\",\"Type\":\"Delegation\",\"Action\":\"grant\",\"Path\":\"ou=computers,ou=example,ou=departments,dc=austin,dc=utexas,dc=edu\",\"Principal\":\"EXAMPLE-ComputerAdmins\",\"Delegation\":\"computer\",\"RequestedBy\":\"EXAMPLE-abcd1234\"}" }