Jetty Configuration

This article covers in depth the configuration of Jetty on Javelin as relevant to the CLACI project.

The following changes have been made to the server:

Installation of Jetty

Jetty v9.3.9 is currently installed at /opt/jetty

Jetty is registered as a service in /etc/init.d/, and can be controlled using the following commands:

Start the server
sudo service jetty start
Stop the server
sudo service jetty stop
Restart the server
sudo service jetty restart

Directory structure and the Fedora web app

The most important (from our perspective) subdirectories/files within /opt/jetty/ are the following:

bin/contains, which is the script that is invoked when the service command (described above) is used
etc/contains XML files that form a superset of all configuration options that Jetty is capable of using
demo-base/contains demo projects that ship with Jetty
fedora/this is our custom-created directory, i.e. a "Jetty Base" (also pointed to by environment variable $JETTY_BASE) which contains a full context of files and resources needed to run Fedora as a web app
start.jarthis is the JAR file that is eventually parameterized and excecuted when Jetty is started

Environment Variables

The following environment variables have been applied globally (i.e. in /etc/environment)

Name of VariableValue