Account System

Account System



  1. Account Report: Email a copy of the monthly statements (might be able to view the account online)
  2. Account View: Can view the account online and toggle their own report permission
  3. Account Owner: Can view the account online
  4. Unit Head: Can view all accounts in their units, notes,commitments, and "hidden" accounts. Assigned through GEODB permission system, not account system
  5. JSG School Head (sharon): Can view notes and all units. Assigned through GEODB permission system, not account system
  6. Financial Admin. Can edit/view everything. Assigned through GEODB permission system, not account system, Admin group is responsible for managing their members.

Hidden Accounts

The following subaccounts are hidden from a user with permission to the budget group unless they are a unit head, or have a permission on the SubAccount:

  1. 26 Budget Group: 91 SubAccounts
  2. 30 Budget Groups: 18,90+ SubAccounts
  3. Any subaccount that is called "546 Lectures and summer salaries" or contains "DEAN...RESERVE"