Doctoral Registration Forms

ECE Doctoral Students are required to complete the registration form HERE every semester. Failure to complete the registration form will result in an advising hold being placed on the students account, and they will not be allowed to register for class until it is completed.

This form is meant to give you time to reflect on your graduate progress so far, and what your upcoming semester will look like.  This form will be completed in DocuSign, and should be routed to your faculty supervisor. If you do not have a faculty supervisor, it should be routed to your track advisor.

Individual instruction courses, such as X97 Research Problems, 698 Thesis, and X99 Dissertation require instructor approval before a student can sign up for the course. Approval for these courses will be done on this form.

Students who have completed their registration forms will want to refer to the registration instruction page HERE for more information on signing up for coursework.

Continuous Registration Requirements for Doctoral Candidates

After advancing to candidacy, doctoral candidates must enroll continuously for the dissertation course (BME x99W) for all subsequent long semesters until graduation. Doctoral candidates must complete at least 6 hours of the dissertation course in order to graduate. Continuous registration in the summer semesters is not required unless the student plans to graduate in that same summer semester. 

Doctoral candidates are eligible to switch registration from research problems to dissertation hours mid-semester during the semester in which their application for candidacy is approved. If you wish to switch registration, contact the Graduate Coordinator. If you are more than two semesters away from defending, there is no need to switch registration mid-semester.