Enrollment in ECE Individual Instruction Courses
Individual instruction courses such as Research Problems (ECE x97C), Thesis (ECE 698A for 3 credit hours or ECE 698B for 3 credit hours), Dissertation (ECE x99W), Graduate Research Internship (ECE x97M taken by international students), and Supervised Teaching in EE (ECE 398T for current ECE TAs) require instructor approval before an ECE graduate advising team member can add a student to the course(s) during an open registration access period.
For any student who has a faculty supervisor, this approval will be granted through completion of the PhD or MS registration form. (Choose the registration form that matches the ultimate degree goal for which you were admitted.) Once the form is signed and the status shows Completed, the student's advising hold will be cleared, and they will be added to any individual instruction course(s) listed on their registration form if they have cleared all the other holds on their RIS, Registration Information Sheet.
A student admitted to doctoral candidacy by the Graduate School Dean can add Dissertation on their own after their advising hold has been cleared, if they have cleared all the other holds on their RIS, Registration Information Sheet.
For students whose individual instruction courses are NOT supervised by their faculty supervisor, or for students who did not list the individual instruction course on their registration form, use the Individual Instruction Course Approval Form HERE to get instructor approval and to be signed up for individual instruction courses by an ECE graduate advising team member. Once you fill out the form, it will be sent to the faculty member and then routed on to the graduate advising team for processing once the status shows Completed.
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