PLP Output Description
In outdata:
The data for your target spectra that has had A0 (to flatten) and Vega (to flux) corrections applied, including the data used to create this. Each extension is a 2048 x 28 array, with the same header (except for the PRIMARY) other than EXTNAME, which is near the end.
[0] Primary: The corrected target spectrum = (TGT_SPEC/A0V_SPEC)*VEGA_SPEC
[1] Wavelength: The wavelength solution - in um (so 1.42um for instance)
[2] TGT_SPEC: The extracted target spectrum (from the target spec.fits file)
[3] A0V_SPEC: The extracted A0V spectrum (from the A0V spec.fits file)
[4] VEGA_SPEC: A model of the Vega spectrum (from plp directory: master_calib/A0V/vegallpr25.50000resam5.npy) - for more info,
sn.fits (target and A0)
spec.fits (target and A0)
The source spectrum. It says the spectral unit is ADUs.
spec_flattened.fits (A0)
The flattened A0 spectrum.
spec2d.fits (target and A0)
var2d.fits (target and A0)
variance.fits (target and A0)
wave.fits (target and A0)
The wavelength solution for a given source, in nm (so 1429nm for instance). The A0 should have an improved wavelength solution.