Computer Lifecycle Policies - Sandbox

Suggested LAITS web description update: LAITS supports the success of faculty and staff through service and technology.

Current lifecycle web description:

Our lifecycle team assists customers with managing computers from ‘cradle to grave’. Our service includes curating and assisting with purchasing recommended computer models, receiving, inventory, deployment of computers, transferring data, and managing the retirement of computers including wiping hard drives and transferring to surplus.

Supported Computer Models

Get rid of Recommended Apple and Dell and make one page. Rewrite the Computer Purchasing Procedure to encompass Apple/Dell 

  1. Supports a limited number of specific end-user computer models to ensure compatibility, efficient support, and security. LAITS has this policy for several reasons:
    • Older computers may not be able to run current secure operating systems or software
    • Supporting non-standard computers increases overall support costs which must be passed on to our customerThe list of supported computer models is updated annually during the Winter Break and when new models are released

2. Maintains Recommended Computer Standards designed to meet the needs of most faculty and staff.  This Recommendation is  based system cost, durability, product longevity, quality of manufacturer support, and other factors.  LAITS' recommendation generally aligns with common standards in other units at the University of Texas.

  • LAITS will support no longer support a particular computer model until the end of the calendar year, 8 years from date of model release. (For example, a computer with a model release date in 2015 would be supported through the end of calendar year 2023). LAITS may modify this as required for specific computer models as needed.
  • Upon a computer becoming ‘unsupported’ it is the responsibility of the department or faculty member to replace that computer with a supported model. If ‘unsupported’ computers are not replaced, they are subject to network quarantine.
  • LAITS will provide an annual notification to departmental administrative staff listing the current end of support status for computers in use by the department.
  • Our staff can also repurpose and reimage supported computers as needed
    • allow 5-10 business days for imaging and redeployment
    • large quantities (5+ computers) require more warning and coordination, may not be done immediately
    • urgent requests for deploying repurposed computers may receive temporary loaners instead
  • LAITS may grant exceptions to this policy depending on circumstances. Any exception requests should be submitted to:

Computer Purchasing

  1. LAITS provides recommended models and purchasing instructions for our customers. All computers supported by LAITS should be purchased through approved channels, typically via UT Market purchase orders from Campus Computer or Dell (via Summus). Exceptions will be considered for computers purchased or obtained outside of normal channels.
    • Computer Purchasing Procedures 

      **Completing the Order**

      Both Apple and Dell purchases follow the same process to complete the order in UT Market. Refer to our Completing a UT Market Purchase guide to complete your purchase. 

      Please pay careful attention to complete the field marked "Instructions for Buyer". The information you provide in that field will inform LAITS of the intended end user along with any special instructions relating to the purchase. Once received, LAITS will tag and record the computer in inventory, image it, and schedule a deployment with the user.

      This talks to Inventory. Tell us about who's getting the deivce, their EID, Location, ETC. 

      1. Instructions for Buyer: A brief description of the order, including:
        1. Summary of items
        2. End user(s) (Full name and EID)
        3. End user(s) office location


        • Apple iMac for Jane Smith (js1234). Office: MEZ  2.304.
        • Dell Precision, monitor, and HDMI cable for _____.  Office: _____.
        • Dell Latitudes, 1 Dell OptiPlex, and accessories for FRIT Admin Staff. Latitudes to be used by ______ (office: _____) and ______ (office: _____). OptiPlex to be used by _____ (office: _____).
        • Dell Latitude for _____ (office: _____), Dell OptiPlex for _____(office _____). 
        • Apple MacBook Pro 16" and magic keyboard for _____ (office: _____). Apple MacBook Pro 14" for _____ (office: _____). 


      2.7 Review all the previously entered information and the Internal Delivery information.

      Note: All orders MUST go through Campus Distribution Services and internal delivery set to Bellmont Room 232 for proper delivery. If its not shipped to BEL 232, the the responsibility of BEL 232 delivery falls on the purchaser. DO NOT BRING TO DOC!!! 

We do not:

  • Purchase computers or accessories on behalf of customers
  • computers not delivered to BEL 232 must be tagged by department before LAITS will take possession - Front and Center - MOVE to TOP
  • we do not support computers retrieved from Surplus if they are too old to handle run a modern OS 

Recommended Computer Models

LAITS maintains Recommended Computer Standards designed to meet the needs of most faculty and staff.  This Recommendation is  based system cost, durability, product longevity, quality of manufacturer support, and other factors.  LAITS' recommendation generally aligns with common standards in other units at the University of Texas. If you have a computer that is not on this list, feel free to reach out to to inquire if that model is supported prior to purchase.

One Place to locate and update Recommended standards  is ideal. 

LAITS support the following computer models:

    • Apple iMac, MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, Mac mini, Mac Pro models
    • Dell Latitude, Precision, and OptiPlex models
    • Microsoft Surface models
  • LAITS does not support the following computer vendors/models:
    • Toshiba
    • Lenovo
    • HP
    • ASUS Tek
    • Intel NUC
    • Dell consumer-grade models, including Inspiron, Dimension, Vostro, XPS models

Minimum Security Standards

The Information Security Office (ISO) requires computers to adhere to minimum security standards. LAITS implements these standards by requiring certain installed software and configuration on end user computers. Exceptions to these policies will be considered depending on business case.

All LAITS-supported computers shall have the following software installed/configured:

  • Vulnerability Management Agent
    • Nessus
  • Systems Management Agent
    • Windows Computers: Enrollment in Microsoft Endpoint Configuration Manager (MECM)
    • MacOS Computers: Enrollment in JAMF
  • Antivirus Agent
    • Windows Computers: Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE)
    • MacOS Computers:
      • Microsoft Defender for Endpoint (MDE)
      • Cisco Secure Endpoint (aka CiscoAMP) – for computers that are not supported by MDE
  • Backup Agent
    • LAITS strongly recommends the usage of UTBackup/Code42 for the backup of user data on end user computers.
    • End users may opt-out of the usage of this software if they confirm/certify they have an alternative backup method in place.


The   Information Security Office (ISO) requires that all computers that are on the UT network are registered within the ISORA Inventory application. LAITS regularly updates this inventory to ensure compliance with this policy.

Computers that are registered in the ISORA Inventory application with certain required fields (MAC Address, system type, priority, and location) that are recently seen on the network or are actively reporting in via the Nessus agent will be automatically marked as FOUND in DEFINE during the annual inventory process. 

Faculty and Staff Computer Program

Tenured and Tenure-Track Faculty

LAITS runs a program that life cycles computers for tenured and tenure-track (T/TT) faculty under the ‘Generations’ program. This program consists of the following:

  • Generations computers are provided to T/TT faculty with the roles:
    • Professor
    • Associate Professor
    • Assistant Professor
  • One Generations computer is provided by the College to each T/TT faculty.
  • Generations computers are typically replaced on a four-year cycle.
  • Faculty are required to relinquish their former Generations computer when offered their replacement Generations computer.
  • Generations computers are provided for the use of the faculty member only. Generations computers identified as being used by other than the intended faculty may be reclaimed.
  • Faculty may choose to opt-out of the Generations program on an annual basis (foregoing replacement or opting out completely). Faculty who are eligible for a replacement computer will be solicited annually. Faculty who opt-opt and keep their current computer will be required to return their computer if it becomes unsupported (see Supported Computer Policy).
  • Faculty may choose either a laptop or a desktop computer. LAITS provides standardized models to ensure reusability of computers for other purposes. Generations computers will be assigned to a LAITS financial code in DEFINE.
  • Faculty or their department are responsible for accessories, including monitors, keyboards, mice, or docking stations. (Note that desktop computers typically come with a keyboard and a mouse.)
  • Faculty whose position changes from tenured or tenure-track to a different job position (such as adjunct, research, emeritus) will be required to relinquish their Generations computer for reassignment. LAITS will consider requests for an alternate computer based on business need and availability.

Non-Tenure Track Faculty

  • Certain non-Tenure Track (NTT) instructional faculty will be included in the Generations program described above under Tenured/Tenured-Track Faculty. All of those requirements are applicable to these faculty. NTT faculty roles included in the Generations program include:
    • Professor of Instruction (Distinguished Senior Lecturer)
    • Associate Professor of Instruction (Senior Lecturer)
  • Computers for all other NTT faculty roles, including Assistant Professor of Instruction (Lecturers), are typically the responsibility of the department. LAITS maintains a cohort of repurposed computers that, at LAITS’s discretion, may be provided to these faculty. Any computers provided will be transferred to the respective department and must be maintained according to LAITS computer support policy.

Faculty Emeritus

  • Faculty transitioning to Emeritus status must relinquish any College-owned or Generations computers at the time of their retirement.
  • LAITS will assist Emeritus faculty by recommending appropriate models for their personal use and will assist with transferring data from their University-owned computer to their personally-owned computer.
  • Only limited ‘best effort’ support will be provided to Emeritus faculty.


  • Funding of computers for staff is the responsibility of the department.
  • LAITS maintains a cohort of repurposed computers that, at LAITS’ discretion, may be provided to staff, depending on business case. Any computers provided will be transferred to the respective department and must be maintained according to LAITS computer support policy.


  • Funding of computers for research is the responsibility of the faculty researcher and/or the department.
  • LAITS maintains a cohort of repurposed computers that, at LAITS’ discretion, may be provided for research use, depending on business case. Any computers provided will be transferred to the respective department and must be maintained according to LAITS computer support policy.

Computer Repairs 

(move to DS page?)

Users should bring their computers UT-owned Dell and Apple computers to LAITS to be evaluated for repair. If a hardware repair is required, LAITS typically relies on the campus computer store or Dell to complete the repair. Exceptions may be made for simple repairs that do not require special tools and will reduce a customer's down-time.  Customers should contact for evaluation of LAITS-owned computers.

  • Apple: we drop off computers at Campus Computer Store on behalf of customers
  • Dell: coordinate directly with Dell to dispatch or ship to LAITS or faculty offices
  • Back up data on computers before repair
  • If available, provide a temporary loaner with standard software

Out of warranty repairs will only be performed on machines that have a remaining value greater than that of the cost of repairs. 

LAITS does not:

  • Repair non-UT-owned devices (such as personally-owned computers)
  • Repair mobile devices
  • Cover repair costs (owning department is responsible)

Computer Surplus

As the University requires special handling of computers to ensure the removal of any University data, LAITS will process and handle the surplus procedure for supported customers.  Inventory not related to standard computer use (lab equipment, large collating printers, furniture) should be scheduled for CCART surplus pickup by the owning department.

Our standard process consists of:

  • All computer surplus requests should begin with an updated ServiceNow Surplus Request RITM
  • Transfer of customer assets via CCART to a LAITS unit code (removes the item from your inventory)
  • Hard Drive wipe or removal or wiping (dependent on model)
  • Transfer via secondary CCART to Surplus
  • Coordination of pickup by Surplus

  • LAITS does not:
     complete the CCART for on-site hard drive wipes (responsibility of the owning department)
  • Assist with surplus of any non-computer devices (printers, other electronic devices)