Gurit Foam Core Aquisition

What product/service do you need?

  • GURIT® KERDYN™ FR foam core for battery box panel layups

  • Specific Product:

Distributors in US (Cali and Florida are closest but there are few more):


What are some alternative brand names or common names?


What are the product/service requirements?


How much of the product do you need?

  • Sizes not listed, I can calculate it once I get available sizes

What are some companies that you know that could provide this product?

  • Gurit

Do you have any existing contacts?

  • no

When is the product/service needed by?

  • October 15

What is this product/service being used for on the car?

  • Fireproof battery box composite panel core

(optional) Can you give a short description of the service?