McCombs Tech Wiki - IT Resources For Students - Files & Storage

McCombs Tech Wiki - IT Resources For Students - Files & Storage


Files & Storage

Several options exist for storing and sharing personal and departmental files. Tow of the most common options are UT Box and Office 365 OneDrive. UTBackup is also used for keeping files backup up.

  • UT Box -UT Box is the UT subscription for Box.com.  It provides a web interface for uploading and sharing files within UT and with people outside of UT. It can also synchronize with a local Box folder if you want to keep offline copies of files. To log onto the web interface for UT Box use https://utexas.app.box.com and log on with your EID. It is one of two cloud storage approved to store any kind of university confidential data (a personal Box account is not approved for any UT data)
  • One Drive - OneDrive is not a stand alone service. It is available as part of Office 365 and integrates with many Office 365 applications such as Word, Excel, Teams, Outlook, and SharePoint. It can also synchronize with a local OneDrive folder if you want to keep offline copies of files. 
    To log onto the web interface for OneDrive use https://office365.austin.utexas.edu/ and log on with your EID. It is one of two cloud storage approved to store any kind of university confidential data(a personal Office 365 account account is not approved for any UT data)

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