Account/Email Concepts

Account/Email Concepts

Definition of Terms

TermExplanationApplies ToFurther Reading


A recipient is anything which can receive email.  In Microsoft 365, this can be a user mailbox, a distribution group, a resource mailbox, or a forwarding contact.Outlookhttps://learn.microsoft.com/en-us/exchange/recipients-in-exchange-online/recipients-in-exchange-online

Primary Address

The primary address is the main email address associated with a recipient.  Each recipient must have a primary address.Outlook

Secondary Address

Sometimes referred to as an alias, a secondary address is an additional (optional) email address associated with a recipient.  A recipient may have multiple secondary addresses.  If the recipient is a mailbox, the primary address and all secondary addresses will deliver to the same mailbox.Outlook

Distribution Group

A distribution group (occasionally referred to as a distribution list) is a group containing one or more members.  Members of the group receive emails sent to the email addresses associated with the group.  Managers of the group can make changes to the group, but may not be themselves members of the group.Outlook

Distribution Group Manager

A distribution group manager can make changes to a distribution group.  Managers do not have to be a member of a group to manage it.Outlook
Distribution Group Member
A distribution group member receives a copy of any emails sent to the distribution group of which they are a member.Outlook


Resource Mailbox

Shared Mailbox

Room Mailbox

Equipment Mailbox

Forwarding Contact


Inbox Rule
