Responsibility and Respect

Contacting your PLUS Prof for the first time

sample template–feel free to tinker to be in your voice


Dear Professor (NAME),

My name is (NAME) and I am so excited to get to serve as your PLUS Peer Coordinator (PC) for your (PLUS CLASS) next semester.  The PLUS program emphasizes collaborative learning such that students are able to articulate their thought processes, catch any gaps or misunderstandings, and work through representative practice problems to better understand and be able to apply the material. We want to ensure that PLUS is in alignment with your course learning objectives and goals, and are so grateful that you’re volunteering your time to meet weekly with the PLUS team to answer content questions.  Thank you.

In order to get started, we need to identify up to three times that we’re both available for the weekly planning meeting (8-6 M-F, avoiding Friday afternoons if possible).  Please send me your preferred time or times so I can coordinate them with my schedule before passing the information along to Leta.  She’ll need the information by August 16 in order to incorporate this date into the facilitator application.

It would also be very helpful if we can meet in person sometime in the first two weeks of classes to discuss how PLUS study groups can best support your course goals and expectations for the semester.  What will a great PLUS experience look like for you, and what can I do to make sure it happens?  Please let me know when we can meet (or if we need to have this conversation by email).

As indicated by my requests above, in my PC role I will serve as the administrative glue that helps structure and ensure quality study groups are happening. Having taken this class, I’ll also mentor the facilitators (current students who lead study groups) on resources I found helpful, and be a liaison between you, the facilitators, and Leta to ensure that we’re offering the best learning experiences possible for students.

I am really looking forward to working with you and the facilitators this semester and promoting collaborative, active learning in (CLASS).

Thank you!


Questions? Contact Leta Moser, PLUS Program Coordinator, at