In Person Student Associate Job Expectations

Below are your job expectations for the semester. Please remember that your performance determines employment each semester.


Work Schedule / Work Study

1) You and your team are responsible for staffing the Main Office between 9:00 am and 5:00 pm Monday - Friday and the Drop-in Tutoring Center between 12 pm and 6 pm Monday - Thursday. 

2) The schedule is set at the beginning of the semester, and you are expected to work your shifts weekly. We understand that conflicts can sometimes arise but should be avoided whenever possible. You are responsible for finding coverage for your shifts in times of absence, but you must never go over 19 hours of work per week (Monday – Sunday). If you know you need a shift covered due to illness or conflict, please do the following:

  1. First, please email supervisor/admin, letting me know you need coverage.
  2. Send a GroupMe message to your colleagues for coverage.
  3. Once you receive a reply, confirm with the individual if you will swap shifts or if they will cover for you. If possible, swap shifts to keep hours balanced among team members.
  4. You must email your supervisor for approval for any planned shift changes by Friday the week before.
  5. Be sure to inform the entire group that the shift has been covered.
  6. In an emergency, you must call your supervisor (between 9 am and 5 pm) with as much notice as possible. If you are still trying to reach your supervisor, please feel free to leave a message explaining the nature of the emergency shift coverage issue.


1) You are responsible for keeping an honest track of your hours and recording them accurately on your timesheet online through Workday. Be sure to include any changes or late arrivals each week. Timesheets are due at your last shift of each pay period. A complete list of payroll deadlines can be found on your Student Associate Wiki page. Please report your time by the deadline to avoid delays in receiving pay. Late-time reports are processed only once per month.

General Employee Guidelines

1) You'll need to promptly check and reply to job-related emails, phone calls, and chats.

2) You are expected to respect strict confidentiality of all student information.

3) When guests enter the office, you are expected to stop other activities, make eye contact, smile, welcome them, and ask how to help.

4) Please ensure that the Daily Duties of any assigned projects have been completed each shift.

5) You are the professional representatives of the principal office of the Sanger Learning Center in the School of Undergraduate Studies.  Please take care to respect the following:

  • Leaving the desk: never leave JES A332A unattended to go to the restroom, take a personal call, or go to other floors on an errand without finding someone else to cover for you or letting them know how long you will be gone.
  • Eating: try to avoid eating at the desk. Please be discreet if there is no other time for you to eat. 
  • Computer use: computers and printers are intended for work purposes.  If there are no downtime tasks, you may discreetly use the Internet as long as it doesn’t interfere with immediate customer service or productivity. Please remember that personal laptop use is permitted within reason. No audio or video use during work time. 
  • Studying: You can study at the desk when there are no outstanding tasks. Please do not count on having time to study at work. Administrative tasks take precedence over homework.
  • Audio: Please refrain from using it at the desk; it can be heard by others working. Headphones are not permitted.
  • Zoom: Do not join a Zoom call or meeting during work hours. If you need to reschedule your shift, please let your supervisor know.
  • Personal Phone Calls/Phone Use:  Cell phone calls are personal and should not be done during work hours except in cases of genuine emergency.  If this should happen, please have your colleague or a staff member cover for you while you step outside to take the call. Texting is also a personal activity.  It’s allowed in moderation as long as it doesn’t interfere with immediate customer service or work productivity.
  • Dress Code: Our dress code is “covered casual.” This means no exposed mid-drifts, short shorts, workout clothes, pajamas, etc. Remember you are representing Sanger, so please dress appropriately. Sanger t-shirts are encouraged!