ADMS Working Group Planning Doc

Timeline/Phased Approach:

  1. Document our Plan (ongoing)

  2. Identifying discrepancies between TARO record and finding aid masters (ongoing)

    1. Look on TARO for total number of finding aids with TARO record

  3. Clean up finding aid masters directory (ongoing)

    1. Poke Steph and Evan about the As

    2. Creating “Digital Holding Record”

    3. Isolating the finding aid at the collection-level directory

    4. Capstone description

  4. Research on Costs (ongoing)

    1. Legacy data encoding (in house vs. outsource)

    2. Hosting (in house vs. outsource)

    3. Implementation & maintenance (in house vs. outsource)

    4. In house documentation & training, development of in-house workflows, updating manual etc. (cost in man-hours)

    5. Customizations