Adding an Image with the WYSIWYG

  1. Click on the Image button at the bottom of the window.
  2. Choose your image – it will be added in the Image URL field.
  3. Add an Image Description (this is the alt tag).
  4. Add a Caption, if needed.
    1. If your image will float left or be full-column width, fill in the Caption Class field with maincaption.
    2. If it will float right, fill in the Caption Class field with maincaption-right.
  5. Click on Insert at the top of the window.
  6. To choose the image position (float left, float right, full column width), first click on the image to select it. Next, select the caption text.
    1. If you would like your image to float-left, choose float-left from the Style menu. 
    2. If you would like your image to float-right, choose float-right from the Style menu. 
    3. If you would like your image to be full-column width, choose news-image-scale from the Style menu.
  7. Return to Step 5 of the Adding an Article with the WYSIWYG instructions.