COE Staff Advisory Committee

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  • Forum for the dean to share and receive staff feedback on college policies and initiatives

  • Opportunity for staff to share ideas/feedback for leadership’s consideration

  • Confidential committee of trust for discussing topics that are still actively being considered by college leadership

Expectations of committee members:

  • Maintain confidentiality

  • Actively engage in the committee meetings, contributing their voice and ideas to the process

  • Attend all meetings of the committee, with support from their immediate supervisor in terms of workload management

  • Listen to other staff in their department/center/unit for topics and concerns to share up with leadership, and, if directed, solicit feedback from college staff

  • Estimated time commitment for one year of service would be 10 to 15 hours

    • One or two 90-minute meetings a semester, including summer

    • Time for advance prep, follow-up tasks, or sub-group work as needed

    • One half-day at college leadership work session


  • Led by a staff chair selected by the committee, with an ongoing staff member (assistant to the dean) who provides administrative support and continuity

  • Composed of 8 to 10 staff members (full- or at least 50%-time)

  • To reflect multiple areas of the college and ensure that a broad cross-section of staff voices are heard, the committee membership will include at least one representative from all of the following:

    • Research center

    • Each academic department

    • Student Services Center

    • College of Education administrative units (e.g., Business Services, OII, Development)

    • Both A&P and classified positions

  • Current college representatives to UT’s Staff Council are invited to liaise or serve ex officio


  • Employed in a classified or A&P position in the College of Education between at a .50-1.0 FTE appointment or equivalent

  • Employees who have completed at least 12 months of consecutive service to the College of Education

  • Employee is in good standing in their unit and not on a formal performance improvement plan

Nomination process:

  • Annual communication will go out in late spring to solicit nominations

  • Supervisor nominations:

    • Supervisors may nominate after confirming interest from staff member by sending a short email to their immediate supervisor that provides (1) a brief summary of the person’s job duties and (2) a description of why they think this person should serve

    • Nomination threads would move up the supervisory chain to chair or college unit director, who would then select no more than two or three to submit to the dean

  • Self-nominations:

    • Staff member may self-nominate, with approval from immediate supervisor, by sending a short email to their supervisor that provides (1) a brief summary of their job duties and (2) a description of why they would like to serve and the strengths they would bring to the committee

    • Nomination threads would move up the supervisory chain to chair or college unit director, who would then select no more than two or three to submit to the dean

    • Dean may then invite additional comments from supervisor

  • Dean may solicit additional nominations from chairs/directors to ensure that all of the staff representation listed above is included

  • Dean’s Team and staff development team (CBO, HR director, assistant to the dean) would serve as consultative committee to make recommendations

  • Dean makes a final determination on the committee membership slate, considering the overall diversity of roles represented on the committee to ensure as broad a reach as possible

  • Over time, recommendations should take into consideration that all offices and centers are being represented


  • The schedule of meetings for the year will be arranged at the start of each term to maximize members’ participation

  • Agendas will be prepared by committee chair and staff support in consultation with the dean

  • Rather than observing a formal governance structure, the committee will make informal recommendations on potential policies and initiatives before they are brought to finalization by the college’s leadership team

  • Frequency:

    • One or two meetings a semester, including summer

    • One separate end-of-term celebration/thank you lunch that may include other members of the college leadership

    • One half-day college leadership work session

Term of service:

  • A minimum one-year commitment from all members

  • A maximum term of three years

  • Toward the end of each committee cycle, current members have option to rotate off or continue

  • Each year’s number of new candidates will be determined by how many seats need to be filled

  • Process can be evaluated and updated once the committee is more established

  • Should a staff member leave the college or no longer be able to serve, the dean may choose to fill their seat for the remainder of the term through a nomination or direct appointment


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