Pro Tools - Audio Monitoring Setup in CMB 4.120 Undergrad Edit Lab

Unplug the thunderbolt 3 cable to Black Magic Design UltraStudio Pro or the UltraStudio 4K Mini


 Plug in the thunderbolt cable

Blackmagic Intensity Pro is connected via the Thunderbolt cable to the computer.

Must use the thunderbolt 3 to thunderbolt 2 adapter shown here

Make sure the Headphones are plugged into headphone jack on IMac


Turn on the OLED LG or using the Remote

 – Make sure it TV is set to HDMI it should be already!!

Go to Applications >Blackmagic Desktop Video and click on it to open

Make sure you see the Blackmagic Ultra Studio interface in the System Preferences

Go to >Apple>System Settings

System Prefs>Sound>Output>Make sure it is set to Blackmagic UltraStudio

Launch ProTools

Click OK Here

Click OK Here

Playback Engine click on Next

Click No here

Click Cancel here

Choose File Type .wav

24 Bit

I/O stereo


Now go to Input and Output setup

Go to >Setup>I/O

Make sure the Output Tab looks like this if not >

Click "Defautl" on the I/O setup

Then Click OK

Now that the routing and hardware is set up open the ProTools session if you have one created already or make a new session.

Navigate to the session and open it

Next Import the video into the project

Choose Import Video

Navigate to the video file that you want to view in the ProTools session

Choose to import at Session Start

Choose to enable the Video Engine

Click Yes here

If you would like to use the audio off the video file choose to save it to the default Audio Drive folder

Last step is to open up the Input and Output view in ProTools

Go to > View>Edit Window Views> I/O >

Choose the format 1080 or 720 23.98fps

Choose the Playback Quality - Note if there is stuttering choose Draft but Full should work

Make sure all the audio outputs are routed to the Built In Output 1-2 Stereo

Then you should see image on the TV and hear audio on your headphones.

If you do not see image on the Monitors redo the entire rebooting process again and make sure you unplug the thunderbolt cable and power cycle the Black Magic Intensity.  It should fix it.