How to Record Test Subject Sessions in AAC Lab 8

How to Record Test Subject Sessions in AAC Lab 8

This wiki documents how to conduct a recording session with a test subject in the Rajinder (Raj) Koul Alternative & Augmentive Communication Lab located in CMA 2.266 CSD Research Lab #8.

CMA 2.266 Lab 8 has been outfitted with (3) data analysis carrels and an ADA-accessible subject testing workstation which will be used to conduct usability and outcome-based therapy testing for subjects (potentially wheelchair-bound) who use speech technology assistance devices. These testing sessions will be video recorded for post-test analysis. 

Set up before the Subject Arrives

Log into the PC at DESK-L84 using your EID and password.
Click <Window> > Blackmagic Design > Media Express

You can pin this App to your taskbar so it is easy to find

later by right-clicking on the App and choosing "Pin to taskbar"

In Media Express,

  1. Click on the Log and Capture tab
  2. Click on the ! button next to Name. This will force the program to prompt you for a filename each time you start recording. This avoids having a number of recordings named "Untitled 01"
  3. Confirm "V", "1", and "2" tracks are highlighted red and that you see the audio levels moving as you talk. Note that the audio levels are delayed by about a second. If you have on your headphones, you will also hear your voice delayed by about a second.

Adjust your shot.

The LCD monitor on top of the camera flips up and spins so you can view the camera shot.

Use the Pan & Tilt Lock knobs to loosen/tighten the Pan & Tilt.

Use the Zoom paddle to adjust how closeup or wide your shot is.

During the session

Click the Capture button to start recording.

When prompted for the file name, use this naming convention:

Last Name 2 Initials / First Name 2 Initials / Underscore / Year / Month / Day

for example, a subject named David Jaffitz being recorded on the 26th of July in 2018 would be:


Using this naming convention causes all our files to sort alphabetically by subject and by date recorded.

Confirm you see the red arrow moving and the time on the recording duration advancing to ensure your recording is in progress

Click the Capture button to stop recording.

After the Session

To review your recording, click <Window> > File Explorer (or keyboard Window>E).

Navigate to Videos > Blackmagic Captures

Check the naming of your files and rename any which are incorrect.

Check your recording for quality.

Double-Click on a file to view it in VLC.

  • Press space bar to pause/play the video.
  • Press F to toggle the video full screen.
  • Press T to toggle the on-screen elapsed and remaining video time.
  • Press - to slow down video playback.
  • Press + to set video playback back to normal 1.0x speed.
  • Press [ and ] to speed up video playback.

Upload your recording to Box.

Open a web browser and navigate to http://utexas.box.com

Log in to box using your EID and password.

Navigate to the CSD_Koul folder. If you don't see this folder, contact your lab manager for access.

Navigate to the Video_Recordings folder.

Navigate to the correct folder for your test subject.

If there isn't a folder for your test subject, click New > Folder

Name the folder by the subject's Last Name 2 Initials / First Name 2 Initials

Click and drag the recording from the Blackmagic Captures folder to the Box webpage in your browser.

Your file will take a few seconds to upload.

Once uploaded, you can view, download, and comment within Box.

Be sure to delete the recordings from the Blackmagic Captures folder from time to time.

Also be sure to empty the trash on your desktop from time to time so the harddrive doesn't fill up with recordings from various users.


Recording Software Issues

Check preferences in Media Express

Click Edit > Preferences

Verify settings are identical to those shown here.

Click Quality.

Verify recording quality is set to 6mb/s

Camera Issues
Verify camera is turned on and set to CAMERA at the power switch behind the handgrip.

Verify microphone is connected to Input 1 on the camera

Verify Focus and Audio settings on the camera

ND Filter = Off

Focus = Auto

Ch1 = Input 1 = MANual Levels @ audio level 8

Ch2 = Input 1 = MANual Levels @ audio level 8

(adjust these knobs to turn up or turn down the recording volume)

Verify camera mode is set to Auto

Verify the HDMI cable is connected to the rear of the camera.