ikan Small Interview Dual Color Kit with Two iLED312-v2 and One IB508-v2
Ikan's Small Interview Dual Color Kit is a good choice for the videographer who needs studio-quality lighting on the road. The kit includes two iLED 312-v2 bi-color light fixtures and one IB508-v2 bi-color fixture. Each light comes with two Sony L-type batteries, a dual charger, AC power supply, stand adapter, and a light stand. A padded carry bag is also included in the kit.
The 16 x 9 x 0.8" IB508-v2 has a variable color balance from tungsten (3200K) to daylight (5600K), and 10-100% dimming, removing the need for repositioning the light or adding filtration. The light is powered by a multi-voltage AC adapter for worldwide use, or by two Sony L-type batteries. Its reflective four-way barndoors allow you to contour the light output, and fold flat across the panel to form a protective shell.
Manual: 508 LED.pdf
Manual: iLED 312.pdf