Adobe Premiere - How to Merge Image and Sound Files - AutoSync Using Timecode

Setup your project bringing in both your image and sound files recorded double system

In this example we have the image and sound files in a bin and named with the scene and take names

You may have even subcliped the files and named them

See this wiki for how to subclip

Highlight both the video and the audio clips in the bin

Then choose >Clip>Merge Clips

Name the merged clip and choose "Timecode" as the Synchronize Point, leave 'Ignore Hours' unchecked

In the Audio section, check the 'Use Audio timecode From Clip:' box and the 'Remove Audio From AV Clip'

This ensures the original video clip's audio won't overlay onto the audio clip

Click OK

A new clip should appear in your bin. The clip's name should have "- Merged" at the end if you did not change it

Drag it onto your timeline and play it back to make sure it's synced

If it is not make sure you have the correct image and sound takes?