JAMF - AVID Nexis - How to Fix the Firewall Blocking Server Access

Also need to do this policy

JAMF - Microsoft Defender - How Remove so AVID Nexis works properly


make sure you are in COMM

Go to Computers>Policies>
COMM-Avid Firewall

NEW Kat made a Configuration File was made modify the Firewall Rule to allow all traffic from Moody AVID Nexis Server through local firewall
Click on it

To add a computer or computer groups to the new COMM – Avid Firewall policy

Click Scope

Click Edit

Click Add

Type in a specific computer to add and filter it

Then click Add to add it

Then click on Save

Now the scope of the
COMM – Avid Firewall includes the CMA 4.142 Teaching Station

Next to see if the policy has been applied click on Logs

Our request is pending but in about 15 minutes should be applied