Research Editorial Support faculty budget (2024-2025)
Up to $1,000 per full-time faculty member is available for editorial support towards publications or grant proposals. This is a one time program; funds must be spent by August 30, 2025.
These funds can be used for professional services including:
Grant proposal preparation support, including writing, editorial, or graphic design
Editorial support for publications (from “proof-reading” through “editing for substance/structure”)
External review (such as professional proposal Red Teaming). Also includes honoraria up to $500 for external colleague’s assistance, such as asking a previous funded PI of a program to review a grant proposal (particularly encouraged when revising for re-submission).
This is a pilot project to give us all more experience employing services of this sort, so I’m asking faculty spending these funds to summarize their experience in a few sentences (maybe a paragraph!); submit to These will feed into our discussions as a faculty about whether we should/could have editorial support on retainer or staff.
Please follow the iSchool purchasing process to spend these funds, indicating that you are using the “research editorial support funds” (so that purchasing can use the correct purchasing code). These will likely be Professional Services (but check with purchasing about your plans); it will help staff time commitments to set purchasing up prior to engaging the editor.
Contacts and suggestions for these funds
If you know a great professional editor, writer, or research communicator, please share with each other; I’d be happy to see discussions on the research-ischool list, but of course private emails to share recommendations with each other are great too.
For more idea of what I’m talking about you might take a look at (no particular endorsement but the individuals on this list came through recommendations from OVPR and/or UT Library):
a search for “scientific and grant editing services”
Jude Berman:
The UWC has a list of people that they recommend for editing work (for a fee):
Writing (worked with McCombs School)
If the service you find offers a discount for institutional introductions or recommendations, very happy to do that.
Questions by email to James Howison