

Travel Management link: http://www.utexas.edu/travel/

Travel Planning: https://travel.utexas.edu/travelplanning

Travel Authorization request: https://utdirect.utexas.edu/apps/services/requests/

Travel reimbursements: https://financials.utexas.edu/hbp/part-11/5-travel-reimbursements

Non-employee Travel Reimbursement:https://financials.utexas.edu/hbp/part-11/5-5-non-employee-travel-reimbursement-procedures

VE5 Checklist (*DEFINE Travel form)

  1. Account Number: If not noted in Travel Request Authorization (RTA), email faculty or staff traveler asking which account to use.
  2. Student Traveler: Before creating RTA, obtain email from Supervisor providing 1) Student travel approval, 2) Account number to be used, 3) Expense limit.
  3. Review Account Number(s): Correct account number(s)? Sometimes more than 1 account is used.
  4. Faculty Travel Grant (FTG): Can combine both Faculty Affairs's Faculty Travel Grant Account ($1,400.00) and iSchool account (currently $,3000.00) per academic year for travel reimbursement. When processing reimbursement, always use FTG funds first. iSchool account number may change during year, depending on remaining funds in account - check with CBO.
  5. Traveler Letters (Keep originals of Dean's (or Associate Dean's) signed approval letter stapled to VE5 top sheet and file by academic year in iSchool records' file cabinet.):
    1. Faculty:
      1. Foreign travel: Dean approval required for travel on State accounts (14 and 20).
      2. Restricted Regions travel: Follow guidance from Texas Global https://global.utexas.edu/risk/travel/restricted-regions
    2. Students:
      1. Domestic travel: Confirm supervisor approval.
      2. Foreign travel: Dean's approval required for travel on State accounts (14 and 20) 
      3. Restricted Regions Travel: See information from Texas Global https://global.utexas.edu/risk/travel/restricted-regions
    3. Visitors:
      1. If visitor is not in DEFINE, one must create a GGV for visitor/vendor after sending them a Payee Information Form (PIF) via DocuSign Powerform (https://docusign.utexas.edu/PIF - Click on "Launch PIF PowerForm". Note: You must use the eid@eid.utexas.edu format when completing the email field for any UT-affiliated individual.). A government-issued photo ID must be included in the DocuSign. Once visitor returns documents via DocuSign, you will receive email notice to review and approve. After approving, create a GGV and using the information from the completed PIF and government-issued ID.
      2. If visitor is already in DEFINE, review DEFINE listing to check if address, phone number, and email are current. If any have changed, create a GGV, make changes, and "app" in DEFINE (This sends document to VID (Vendor Identification Section.). There is no need for a new PIF or government-issued photo ID when updating.
      3. Once person is correctly listed in DEFINE, create an RTA for visitor's travel.

Required/Requested Information for Flight Reservations

    1. Required
      1. Full name as it appears on government-issued ID or passport
      2. Date of birth
      3. Sex of traveler
      4. To make reservations via UT-preferred travel agencies, Anthony Travel (AT), which includes Concur, or Corporate Travel Planners (CTP), one must provide the Request for Travel Authorization (RTA) document number. Contact Information: http://www.utexas.edu/travel/agency_contacts.php . At times, an Authorization of Professional Services (APS), rather than RTA, will be used (such as handling non-employees' travel to workshops; send a copy of the APS to the travel agency).
    2. Requested
      1. Cell phone number to provide updates on flights
      2. Frequent flyer #, if wish to add to reservation
      3. Seat preference

VP5 Checklist (Travel Reimbursement)

  1. Online Flight Purchase (other than Concur): If traveler uses an online reservation tool other than Concur, the payment voucher must include the following statement in document NOTes:  “Online selection is best value as consistent with institutional priorities.” (https://travel.utexas.edu/faqs/airfareexceptionrequest/ )
  2. Reimbursement: See HBP for guidance https://afm.utexas.edu/hbp/part-11/5-travel-reimbursements
  3. Receipts: See HBP for guidance on required receipts and format for receipts https://afm.utexas.edu/hbp/part-11/5-4-receipts
  4. More Guidance in this Wiki here: https://cloud.wikis.utexas.edu/wiki/x/V4DeBQ

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