Sponsored Student Organizations


Sponsored student organizations are student organizations that have a designated and acknowledged partnership with a university academic or administrative unit. Sponsorship by academic or administrative units requires support, endorsement, supervision, and the assumption of responsibility for the actions and activities of the sponsored student organization. Sponsorship may not be extended to student organizations involved in political or religious activities or in projects for private gain. Rules regarding sponsorship are found in section 6-101(10) of The University of Texas at Austin Institutional Rules on Student Services and Activities.

University Sponsored Student Organizations may be viewed at http://deanofstudents.utexas.edu/sa/sponsored.php

Contacts for current iSchool Student Organizations may be viewed at https://docs.google.com/spreadsheet/ccc?key=0AgsGeFKwuTLTdGY3ZTI2eTFQWjNUWkkzZjhpei1XdUE&usp=sharing

19-account is usually dues income and 30-account is usually gifts income.

The resource for iSchool Sponsored Student Organizations is: Student Organization Handout.pdf

Society of American Archivists (SAA)

  1. Email address:   saautx@gmail.com
  2. Account numbers:  copy code:  00672
    1. 1960000751/95   - dues 
    2. 3060000751/93 - gifts
  3. Faculty Advisor: 
  4. Current officers: 

Student Association of the School of Information (SASI)

  1. Email address:  sasi@utlists.utexas.edu  - goes to codirectors
  2. Account numbers: copy code:  0650
    1. 1960000851/95   - dues 
    2. 3060000851/93 - gifts
  3. Faculty Advisor: 
  4. Current officers:  

    Finances: Katelyn Helberg khelberg@utexas.edu

    Communications Director: Arwa Ravat arwaravat@utmail.utexas.edu 

iSchool Doctoral Student Association (iSDA)

  1. Email address: ischoolidsa@utexas.edu
  2. Account number:  19-6000-8251/95    copy code: 04005
  3. Faculty Advisor: 
  4. Current officers: 
    Yung-Sheng Chang yscchang@utexas.edu
    Nilavra Bhattacharya nilavra@utexas.edu

American Society for Information Science and Technology & Association for Women in Technology (ASIST/AWIT)

  1. Email address:  
  2. Account numbers: 
    1. 19-6000-0651/95   - dues 
    2. 30-6000-0651/93 - gifts
  3. Faculty Advisor: 
  4. Current officers: 
    Finances: Chu-Ting Fan (simply Ting) ctfan@utexas.edu


iSchool staff contact for Student Organizations: Melinda Robillard

Related information for Student Organizations

Entertainment and Official Occasion Expenses

Official Occasion Expense Form

Procurement Card - Disallowed Purchase and Vendors

Authorization for Professional Services Form