Closing Faculty Job Postings in Interfolio
To provide guidance for decommissioning completed or otherwise inactive faculty searches in Interfolio (this includes all faculty searches, including tenured/tenure-track postings as well as pool postings and other temporary or professional track postings).
Interfolio: The approved university platform for advertising open faculty searches.
Decommission: for the purposes of this article, ensuring no new applicants can apply to the job posting, that the posting is not publicly showing as active, and accurately capturing data about any offers made
Close Position: In the upper right hand corner of your Interfolio posting, there is a drop-down menu, “Position Actions.” To close the position refers to choosing “Close Position” from this drop-down menu
Position Status, Position Closed: Your Interfolio posting includes a list of “statuses.” Closing your position requires changing this status to “Position Closed.”
Applicant Selected: Any applicant who was offered a position, regardless of whether they accepted, declined, or never responded to the offer.
Apply Now Page: The button within the Interfolio posting that publishes or unpublishes a live link to the public to view the ad and submit an application.
- In consultation with Department Chair, Search Committee and any other relevant unit actors, senior staff member determines a faculty recruitment is complete, meaning either hiring is complete or the search will not continue at least until the following academic year, when a new ad will be posted.
- Senior staff member Edits Position to ensure “Apply Now” page is Unpublished.
- Senior staff member changes position status to “Position Closed.”
- Senior staff member utilizes Interfolio’s “Position Actions” dropdown menu to select “Close Position.”
- Senior staff member adds any selected applicants, or adds comments providing useful information about why no applicant was selected.
Best practice is to check Interfolio quarterly throughout the year--to ensure your Interfolio postings are up to date, but at a minimum, prior to the beginning of a new academic year.