Liberal Arts Instructional Technology Services (LAITS) is dedicated to providing technology support for instruction, research, and administration throughout the College of Liberal Arts.
This includes classroom technology, desktop computers, web sites, networks and servers, digital audio and video, and many other technologies both old and new. We also support new construction and renovation projects.
Our particular focus is our faculty. We strive to provide whatever faculty require to succeed in their teaching and research.
Computer Support | Classroom Support | Administrative Software & Data Support |
Web Support | Network Support | Server Support |
Computer Support
The LAITS Computer Support team provides desktop and laptop support for all faculty in the College of Liberal Arts for your UT-owned equipment.
Computer Support may be reached by phone at 512-471-5000, by chat at https://chat.laits.utexas.edu/, email at laits-help@utexas.edu, or in person from 8 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Walk-up locations may be found in PAR 106 and RLP 4.224 (see website for current hours).
Classroom Support
The Classroom Support group maintains all classroom technology hardware for Liberal Arts and serves as liaison with Facilities Services for general maintenance issues.
To report problems or request help call 512-232-5400 or e-mail laits-av-help@utexas.edu. Patton Hall has its own dedicated Classroom Help Desk in RLP 1.214.
Telephone support hours are from 7am to 5pm, Monday - Friday.
Development Studio
The LAITS Development Studio provides course development, video, audio, digital media, web, application, and data services to support instruction, research, administration, and outreach.
For contacts, services, and examples visit the Development Studio at https://laits.utexas.edu.
Contact Web Services (la-web-support@utlists.utexas.edu) for more information.
Video Conferencing
For video conferencing requests, contact Liberal Arts staff at videoconferencing@la.utexas.edu
Voice & Network
LAITS provides network and voice/phone support to faculty in Liberal Arts buildings. Staff can assist with ordering additional data cabling, activating network ports, provisioning voice service and desk sets, and assisting with troubleshooting voice and data issues.
Contact laits-network-help@utexas.edu for network or voice/phone assistance.
Servers & Storage
LAITS, through a team of system administrators, operates and maintains servers to support Liberal Arts faculty. Servers include web, streaming multimedia, database, and data storage.
Contact laits-server-help@utexas.edu for server assistance.
Computer Support
Classroom Support
Administrative Software & Data Support
Web Support
Network Support
Server Support
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