Academic Warning, Probation, Dismissal, and Related Procedures

Academic Warning, Probation, Dismissal, and Related Procedures

To continue studying at UT Austin beyond the first semester, students must make satisfactory progress in fulfilling any admission conditions imposed by the Graduate Dean.

A student whose grade point average falls below 3.00 at the end of any semester will be warned by the Office of Graduate Studies that one’s continuance in the UT Austin Graduate School is in jeopardy and will be placed on scholastic probation during the subsequent semester. During this period, the student may not drop a course or withdraw from the University without the approval of the Graduate Advisor and the Graduate Dean. The student must attain a cumulative grade point average of at least 3.00 during the next semester of enrollment or be subject to dismissal from the University. Academic dismissal is reflected on the student’s academic record.

Failure to comply with the terms of departmental probation can result in dismissal from the program.

A student who has been dismissed by the University for academic reasons may be readmitted only by petition to the Design GSC. The Dean of Graduate Studies makes the final decision.


Dropping an entire semester’s course load constitutes withdrawal from the University for that semester. Students on warning status (see below) due to failure to maintain a grade point average of at least 3.00 may not withdraw without petitioning the consent of the Graduate Advisor and the Dean of Graduate Studies.

A student may withdraw through the last class day of the semester. If the student abandons their courses without withdrawing, the instructor in each class determines what grade should be recorded. To withdrawal for a semester or summer session, a student must file a Withdrawal Petition and Refund Request form with the Dean of Graduate Studies, which is available in the Office of Graduate Studies, Main 101, or by email by emailing GradStudentSvcs@austin.utexas.edu. Refunds are prorated per a published schedule. The student’s identification card must also be turned in to the Graduate School. Withdrawals for medical reasons are handled through the Student Health Center. https://gradschool.utexas.edu/academics/policies/withdrawals

Dropping an entire course load constitutes withdrawal from the University for that semester. To withdraw from the Graduate School, a student must first contact M.A. in Design staff (for application procedures and deadlines) and then file a petition with the Graduate Dean.

International students attending in F-1 or J-1 immigration status must consult with an International Student Advisor at International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) in the International Office prior to withdrawal to discuss how it will affect immigration status.

Leave of Absence

A student may, under unusual circumstances, apply to the Graduate Advisor for a leave of absence. Typically, the maximum amount of time that may be requested is one or two long-session semesters. A leave of absence does not affect the time limit for completion of the degree. A leave of absence form must be approved by the Graduate Advisor and by the Dean of Graduate Studies in advance of the semester for which leave is granted. A student must have a compelling reason for requesting a leave of absence (i.e., personal illness, family illness, birth or adoption of a child, etc.). The Graduate School does not accept “insufficient funds” as an acceptable reason for granting a leave of absence. While on leave, a student may not receive advice or assistance from faculty members and may not use services or facilities of the University.

To be readmitted, a student must submit an Application for Readmission to the Graduate and International Admissions Center by the deadline noted in the General Information Catalog and pay the general application fee. The fee is waived if the student received an official leave of absence. The student must also obtain the approval of the Graduate Advisor in the program last enrolled. https://gradschool.utexas.edu/academics/policies/leaves-of-absence

Students may apply for a leave of absence for no more than two semesters. Granting leaves of absence is left to the discretion of the Graduate Advisor. If approved, a “Leave of Absence” form must be returned to the Graduate School in advance of the semester for which a leave is granted. A student on an approved leave of absence must apply for readmission to return to the University. Readmission during this approved period is automatic and the application fee is waived. A student on leave may not receive any privileges otherwise available to enrolled students. Please contact the M.A. in Design staff for more information.

International students attending in F-1 or J-1 immigration status must consult with an International Student Advisor at International Students & Scholars Services (ISSS) in the International Office prior to taking a leave of absence to discuss how leave will affect immigration status.


Students who have a break in attendance for one long semester or more must apply for readmission by:

  • submitting an Application for Readmission form and fee,

  • obtaining the approval of the Graduate Advisor to return and register, and

  • meeting the applicable deadline

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