KX - Zapier Easy API tool

Zapier: Connect different web-based applications

Zapier is an IFTTT (IF This Then That) application that connects one application to another through a “Zap”. An event on one application is a “Trigger” that results in an “Action” happening on another app. Choose from hundreds of applications. See the list here (Links to an external site.). Popular applications include: Gmail, Mailchimp, Trello, Google Drive, Facebook, Typeform, Google Forms, Zoho CRM, Quickbooks, Salesforce. The free plan only allows up to 5 Zaps so plan
accordingly; view the pricing model here (Links to an external site.).

How does it work?

  1. Connect the accounts for the web applications you want to connect
  2. Select the trigger for what you want to activate the Zap (the “IF this” part of IFTTT)
  3. Identify the Action for what you want the Zap to do (the “Then That” part of IFTTT)
  4. Turn the Zap on (and make sure to test it!)

1.   Goal: Keep track of subscriptions on Knack portal
      Trigger: A New Subscription on Zoho Subscriptions
      Action: Create a New Record on Knack
2.   Goal: Send an Email via Gmail for Updated Spreadsheets
      Trigger: A new row is created on Google Sheets
      Action: Send an Email to a designated field on Gmail