MSE Program of Work

MSE Program of Work

The Graduate School requires that you take 18 hours (and no less than 15 hours) of courses in a major field (including deficiency, core courses, and Thrust area courses), along with six to nine hours of supporting courses (plus additional Thrust area course and advanced electives). Six hours of upper-division undergraduate coursework may, with the permission of the graduate adviser, be counted towards the degree. Upper-division undergraduate grades count toward your overall GPA. All of these courses must be taken for a letter grade and not on a credit/no-credit basis. Deficiency courses are undergraduate courses and can be counted as part of your 30 required hours on your program. If you take other undergraduate courses, remember to ask the graduate advisor BEFORE you take the course if it will count towards your program of work.  It is important to always check with your supervisor and/or the graduate advisor before taking any courses not on the TMI-approved course list available online.  

At the beginning of the semester in which you will graduate, you should consult with the graduate coordinator to ensure that your program of work document is completed correctly.   Please make sure that you consult with the graduate coordinator about your program of work since an incomplete or erroneous program of work will delay the acceptance of your application to graduate.  Once it is finalized, the program of work document will be sent electronically to the graduate advisor, GSC chair, and graduate dean’s office for final approval before your graduation application will be accepted. The graduation application will then be routed to the graduate advisor and Office of Graduate Studies degree evaluator for approval as well. Also keep in mind that all coursework must have been taken within the preceding six years of the date you are applying for MSE graduation.

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