Layout and Interface

Layout and Interface

During fall 2020/spring 2021 you may see some layout changes and updates. If you don't like what you see, you have the power to navigate to an alternative–be it returning to what's familiar (make sure 'use beta quest' is unchecked) or trying out this new layout ('ensuring use beta quest' is checked).

If you see the following layout, navigate to your 'account' in the upper right hand corner of your screen--

and select (or deselect) 'use beta quest'

You may need to clear your cache (#1 here) for the changes to take.

If you see a layout more like this:

you're on the older code base (notable with more white space). To move over to the newer beta side, you can launch from :


and follow the steps above, navigating to account, check beta.

Beta Quest is the most up to date public facing code base–it offers new features from the existing code base. If your 'use beta quest' box is checked it means you will be put on this brand new code base with all the bells and whistles. However, it may also offer some hiccups that we haven't found yet–if you come across one please please do let us know so we can fix it for you and others! (questhelp@austin.utexas.edu)

Leaving 'use beta quest' unchecked will ensure you remain on the stable code base that may not offer the enhanced functionality, but does function for what it offers to without error. If you do want to get back on beta, please replace 'quest' in the URL with 'lbtest' to have the option to again go to your account and select use beta quest (and then try https://quest.cns.utexas.edu/instructor/courses ).

Feedback always welcome! Please feel free to let us know your thoughts at questhelp@austin.utexas.edu.

Survey specific to the new code base accessible here.

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