Course Instructor Survey

A single form is available for faculty to report both their final exam requests and Course Instructor Survey preferences; this form is available here and will be distributed by the program coordinator during the first few weeks of each semester.

The university requires that all organized classes be surveyed every semester, including summer, using an approved CIS form. You can choose to survey your classes electronically (students will receive a link to their surveys via email) or using the traditional paper surveys. Both paper and electronic surveys are administered during the last two weeks of class, before the final exam period and before any grades are reported for the semester.

Surveys are ordered by your departmental contact, Lisa Parisi of Course Management Services. If you do not respond to this request, you will receive the default survey order for your class: paper basic survey forms. Once your surveys have been ordered, you will receive a reminder to check your survey order on the MyCIS site; please take a moment to check your survey order to prevent any errors in your order.

Useful Links: