-Signature Course Undergraduate Assistants are undergrad students that we pay to act as TAs for Fall UGS 302s. They can work up to 50 hours per semester and get $10 per hour. They are appointed “8hrs per week”, but typical hours per week that they actually work should be around 4-5hrs.
-The Administrative Associate of FYE is responsible for collecting nominations from UGS 302 professors in February and keeping a spreadsheet with their names, EIDs, emails, and their profs/courses they are working for. The students should be notified that they have been nominated so that they may accept.
-Each summer, HR sends a spreadsheet for us to fill out so that they can be appointed to their positions. This spreadsheet should be sent to the UGS business office HR employee.
-The Administrative Associate must schedule two SCUGA training meetings over the summer where we tell the students that they must bring their necessary paperwork (ask UGS HR for list of acceptable documents that the student needs) to the UGS business office in CRD 23 so they can be appointed and complete their I-9.
-The summer SCUGA meetings are also for the FYE Director to train the students and go over some articles (that we need to send them in advance).
-Around 9/1, the UGS HR person will send an email with the time sheet deadlines for the semester. The Administrative Associate then sends those deadlines to the SCUGAs and marks their own calendar as to when they need to approve the time sheets in order to meet all deadlines.
-For any HR questions about this process, please contact the UGS business office HR employee.
-Time Sheet Info: -pay periods are usually twice a month on the 1st & 30th.
-3-4 hours per week would be average for the SCUGAs, and 8 is most likely too many because they’ll run out. (they can’t go over 50hrs per semester).
-Remind them to fill out their time sheets before the deadline to avoid issues.
-In the mid-semester, it is a good idea to check who’s nearing their max hours to see who may need to be notified.