Attend Event Scheduler User Documentation

Attend Event Scheduler User Documentation

Steps for configuring an instance in Attend are as follows.

Super user: Create an Event Type.

  1. Under the System Admin tab at the top of the page, select 'Manage Event Types'.
  2. Select the 'Create New Event Type' button.
  3. Complete the required fields Name, Public URL (for your department or program) and Contact Email.
  4. The remaining fields are not required to create a type, but will allow you to prefill attributes of events of this type. Each attribute has a '?' window with additional details regarding functionality.
  5. Select the 'Create Event Type' button at the bottom of the page. The Manage Event Types page will load with the new type listed in a table.
  6. Super user/Staff

Super user/Staff: Update Event Type Attributes and Additional settings.

  1. Select 'Manage' from the right table column to view and update the type.
  2. View/manage additional settings at the bottom of the page:
    • User Authorizations (Hosts/Staff)- add users per role by UTEID.
      • Hosts can create and update their own events. At least one host is required per event type.
      • Staff can do everything but create event types. Staff entries are not required.
      • A user with a staff entry will also need a host entry to appear on the host list for the event type.
    • Subtypes - add subcategories for event types (optional)
      • The 'General' subtype is created by default when the event type is created. This name and details can be overwritten as needed.
    • Intake questions per subtype (optional) - attendees will be prompted to complete these before enrolling.
      • Select 'Create' to go to the intake management page.
      • Complete the required fields 'Title' and 'Button Text' for the form.
      • Add question entries below.
    • Locations - physical spaces for on site events.
    • Notifications - emails and texts can be set to go out per action.
      • All notifications are initially inactive and must be activcated by the admin.
      • Select 'view/edit' to go to the notification management page (opens a new window).
      • Update Subject and message content as needed.
      • Select text, calendar invite, and cc options.
    • Qualfications- enrollee requirements per event type 

Super user/Staff/ Host: Create and manage events

  1. To create events, select 'Manage Events' from the 'Event Admin' tab at the top of the page.
  2. Select Single to create one event, or Multiple to create more than one event at once. Multiple events aren't a series and so will need to be updated individually once created.
  3. Enter the required start and end date and times, the meeting format, and subtype specifications. 
  4. Update any prefilled fields as needed.
  5. Default status for events is Active, but you can change that to Draft until you're ready for it to show on the calendar.
  6. Select 'Create event' at the bottom of the page.

Super user/Staff/ Host: Manage attendees

  1. Enroll/Invite attendees at the bottom of the event management event update page.
  2. Marking attendees present: there are two ways to do this. a.) On the event update page, there's a form field for "check in attendees" that allows entry of EID; b.) In the add/manage attendees table, every attendee should have buttons for mark attended, mark noshow, etc.
  3. Attendee events and basic profile information can be managed by clicking on the name in the attendance table
  4. To look up an attendee by EID, go to 'Search Attendees' under the Event Admin tab at the top of the page.

Super user/Staff/ Host: Reports

  1. Reports are run from the 'Search Events' page under the Event Admin tab.

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