Epson SC-T3200

The Epson SC-T3200 is the printer in the silkscreen room.

You can print two ways on this computer. Both will work great for most silkscreen projects. Pick whatever suits you best!

See Paper Store Prices for current size and price options for transparencies.

1/ From Photoshop

Great for situations where you:

  • have already made bitmaps and want to quickly print from the computer,
  • you want to use the Diffusion Dither bitmap setting in Photoshop
  • want the most control over bitmap settings

  Photoshop printing instructions

2/ Using AccuRip

Great if you:

  • have an image you want to work with but haven't converted it to bitmap yet
  • want the best, blackest transparency quality
  • want to get your transparency printed quickly
  • are less familiar with Photoshop