Managing UTLists


Getting to the Admin Page

  1. Login to

  2. On the left sidebar, you'll see a list of the UTLists you're a member of. Select your committee's list. It will usually have 'utsc' in it.

  3. If you're the committee chair, you should see an "admin" button next to your committee's UTList. Click it.

  4. You should now see the admin page for the UTList. In the left sidebar, click Admin, then Manage Subscribers


Adding Members

Bulk Additions

To add people to your committee's list, click Multiple add

Add the first committee member's email, followed by a space and then their name. Press enter to create a new line, and repeat for each committee member. Once done, click Add subscribers.

Single Additions

If you just need to add one person,use the field with the button next to it. Get the person's email address, copy/paste it in, and then click .

If you leave the checkbox as-is, the person will get an email notification of being added to the list when you click .

If you check the box, then they won't be notified.

Removing Members

When you want to remove members, go to Admin, then Manage subscribers.


Then review the list of current members.


To remove someone, click the checkbox by them, and then .

As with adding members, if you leave the checkbox as-is, the person will get an email notification of being removed from the list when you click .

If you check the box, then they won't be notified.



Managing List Owners/Admins

List owners can add or remove people from the list, just like you.

It's good to have at least one other trusted owner of the list, in case you're out sick or just need to delegate.

Great candidates are:

  • Co-chair(s)
  • Technical committee members
  • Technical members of UTSC ExComm
  • IT or technical staff within your department willing to help out with UTSC stuff


Click Edit List Config and then List definition.

Add any co-chairs or technical committee members, one at a time. You'll have to add one person, change their Profile to Privileged, scroll all the way to the bottom of the page, click , and repeat.